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The days pass by and jimin became a lot more busier with his work. We didnt get to hang out for awhile and I decided to wait for him until he comes home late at night.

I took Kiana to bed and prepared something special for Jimin's arrival. I lit the candles up and cook his favorite food I know its not our anniversary nor his and my birthday. Its just a normal day for us but I wanted to treat him a special dinner cause I know he's been working too hard.

I was excited waiting for him on the kitchen while I take a pic of the finish product of our mini dinner date. My belly was getting bigger though I'm just 3 months pregnant but it was showing a lot because I became fan of munching every food that gets into my mind and Jimin was supportive about it he always satisfied my cravings.

I was checking my watch from time to time but Jimin was still not showing up. I waited a little more until I drifted to sleep in the kitchen counter.

I woke due to the sunlight that reach our kitchen from the windows. I got up and stuff all the food to the dust bin. I was a little upset that Jimin didnt come home maybe he's too busy.

I fished my phone from my pocket and I saw a message from him.

Jimin hubby
Hey babe, I wont be coming home tonight don't wait for me and go to bed early, I miss you and Kiana.

I got up and march upstairs towards Kiana'a bedroom to check on her, She was peaceful in her sleep then I freshen up. After I wore comfortable clothes I went downstairs to make breakfast. I was busy cooking when two arms wrapped my figure and caressed my growing belly.

Jimin rested his chin on my shoulder blade peeking on the food that I was preparing.

Jimin: how's your sleep? did you sleep well? Sorry I didnt came home last night I need to work overtime.

Y/n: Its cold last night cause you're not with me in our huge size bed.

Jimin: Sorry, how about Kiana? Is she still asleep?

Y/n: its okay Jimin I understand and yes Kiana is still snoring cutely. Your girl misses you.

Jimin: Which girl?

Y/n: I am pertaining to Kiana Jimin.

Jimin: Why? dont you miss me as well?

Y/n: Of course I do, now go upstairs and take a shower so we can have our breakfast after.

He head upstairs after I told him to. He came back with Kiana on his arms.  Kiana is really a daddy's girl she even let Jimin carry her even though she's a big girl and expecting a baby sis/brother.

We ate peacefully and I noticed that Jimin was not eating a lot these days and he even loss weight.

I shook the thought in my mind, I dont want to ask him I know he wont tell me if there were problems he will only tell me if it was already solved. I feel like it was unfair because we are married but he still never open up to me when it come to dealing with problems.

I wanted to ask but I remained silent because I dont want to pick a fight with him, I dont want to see Jimin's angry look because it literally scares me though he never showed it to me when we fight but I do see him looking mad when it comes to work related.

We've been arguing the past few days but still manage to sort things out.

I was in our shared bedroom and Jimin was on Kiana's. Maybe they were having play time. Its not that I dont want to join them of course I do but I just felt exhausted easier so I stayed in bed to relax.

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