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Y/n's POV

I woke up due to the sunlight hitting my face, I turned to the side and Jimin was nowhere to be seen. I was about to get off bed when the door creaked open slowly revealing Jimin. He was carrying a tray which I assume to be a breakfast. He rush towards me the moment he saw me getting up.

I chuckle on how he over react even on a small things and I'm sure I need to deal with him being overprotective now that he found out that were expecting baby number 2.

"take it easy" he said guiding me after placing the tray on the night stand.
"I'm not i'll Jimin" I hissed then playfully glared at him. He place the tray on the bed and was about to fed me but I stopped him by snatching the spoon from his hold.

"Yaaah, stop I can feed myself" I said stuffing the food to my mouth while he stares at me waiting for my compliment for his cook. I closed my eyed pretending to make a disgusted look, he was worried and asked me few times if it taste that bad then he grab the tray "let me just order some food for us" Then he stopped once he heard me chuckle.

He's looking at me with knitted brows, he was really confused then I grab the tray from his hand then continue eating " you dont have to eat if it taste bad" he said worriedly. "Who says it taste bad? Hmmm? My husband made it for me, and I am really lucky to have a great cook partner" I said pinching his mochi face before I continue with my food. He pouted his lip like a child then I take a spoonful and stuffed it to his mouth he refused to take it at first but I frowned and made him eat it, his face lit up and he was bragging about his cook after.

I was rubbing my tummy after we shared breakfast in one plate. My stomach was really full, my baby bump will grow faster if he continues to feed me like this.

Jimin stopped going to his company after he found out that I am pregnant, he stayed at home working and taking care of me and Kiana. I felt bad that I might be causing him too much stress, he never let me do chores after the doctor advised us to take bed rest because there might be possibility of miscarriage if I would not be extra careful which Jimin really abide.

We sometimes argue about it because I never got to have time with Kiana but I am very much grateful that Kiana was very thoughtful. She was really happy when Jimin and I told her that she'll going to be a big sister soon.

I felt relieved because of her. Sometimes she comes home from school with jimin and handed me her drawings of us with the little bean inside me.

I sometimes chuckled at her because she initiated to read her story books for me and the baby instead of me reading it for her but soon only ended up sleeping peacefully in my arms.

Being pregnant was never been easy, my mood swing really hit me so bad and I somehow felt bad that Jimin was very patient dealing with me, he was too stressed at his work and I'm making it too hard for him. I just cant control it I get upset with little things I was very sensitive to the point that Im hating myself because I'm giving him hard time.

I was running a bath lost in my thought while the shower was on, I was sitting on the cold floor feeling sorry for him even I sometimes hate myself. I was lost and I cant help my tears that was streaming down my face. I palmed my mouth to stop myself from sobbing just then I heard a knock on the door and Jimin was calling me from the other side. "Babe? Is everything okay? What taking you so long?" He asked and I tried to reply him with stern voice but I failed and now he was banging the door like crazy.

He opened the door panting and he dropped the spare keys from his hold once he saw me sobbing mess. He scrunched down to my level. When I felt him caressing my arms and asking me what's wrong I immediately hug him and sob on the crook of his neck. I know he was worried sick so am I. He run his hand on my back soothing "shhhh its okay... Its okay, I'm here, what's wrong?" He asked with his lowest possible tone I shook my head still engulfing him on my arms. "I - L-o-ve you" I hiccuped between word and he planted soft kisses on my shoulder blade. "Shhh..shhh, I love you too, will you please stop crying and tell what happened?" he asked pulling away then holding my face between his hand while he wiped my tears away with his thumb. "Nothing, sorry... I have been giving you a hard time, Im sorry I cant contain my emotion I feel like I'm being a burden to y--" I didnt finished my word when he cut me off by pecking my lips trice softly. "Dont ever say that, you'll never be a burden to me and I love taking care of you and our baby right here" he said placing his hand on my growing baby bump though its not that showing because Im only 8 weeks pregnant.

"Is that why you are crying?" He asked looking into my eyes and I nodded in response. He planted kiss on my forehead and on the tip of my nose. "Dont cry hmmm? its not good for our baby okay? and It would make me worry hmmm" He said caressing my cheeks and I just nodded.

"Hayys pabo, look at you, you're all drenched" I said looking at him. He chuckled and held my hand to stand up. "Don't worry I'll just changed, I'll leave you hear and finish taking a bath, but promise me you're not gonna cry your ass out when I leave hmmm" He said and he pull out his pinky finger for me to link with.

He looked back before he could fully leave the bathroom "you owe me a cuddle later" he said winking at me and I just chuckled at him being childish.

I finished doing my night routine and walk downstairs then I saw Kiana and Jimin having little talks on the kitchen counter. I walk towards them and Kiana saw my puffy eyes "are you crying mommy?" Her voice melted my heart "No, honey mommy is just so so happy that you are being a good girl" I said caressing her cheeks "Im so exited to see the baby mommy" she said cheerfully and I giggled at her cute face. "Aigoo you really got you're daddy's mochi face" I said pinching her cheeks then Jimin hugged me from the back while his other hand was holding a spatula and rested his chin on top of my shoulder blade. "Mommy can I ask you something?" She said gaining mine and Jimin's attention. "Of course honey what is it?". "How babies are made?" I chuckled awkwardly with her question. "Daddy gave mommy a very very huge hug" I said cheerfully but only to be thrown by another hard question coming from her.

"How does the baby get there?" She asked curiously, I was shook that I cant let out the right word for her to understand.

"Baby its something that mommy and daddy cannot talk about for now but soon when you get older you will understand hmmm?" Jimin said flashing her a smile then he ruffled her hair after she nodded her head. "That was close" Jimin whispered on my ear before we settled for dinner.

End Of Chapter 30

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