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Its sunday so Kiana and I spend the rest of the day having mother and daughter fun time.

Jimin was on a work trip and for sure hell arrive late. It was pass noon time and the weather was bright and calm. I let Kiana play by herself while I was checking on her assignments. She was doing really great in school.

I was busy on checking her assignments when I heard a familiar voice and my voice lit up right away. I walked to the front door and welcomed Jimin. I helped him remove his suit leaving him in his while inner long sleeve polo.

His eyes wandered around the house searching for Kiana then I told him she was outside playing with some of her new friend in the neighborhood.

He quickly parted from me and marched towards the backyard of our house, I was tailing after him then he stop in his track before he run shouting for Kiana. I was confused at first but I got terrified when I saw Kiana struggling to breath then I found out that she got choked by the candy she ate that was given by one of her friends.

Jimin pat her back right away and brought her inside, he was in panic as well until Kiana spit out the candy she took in. A deep sigh leave Jimin's mouth, he then hugged Kiana right away and I can see worries drawn on his face.

What surprised me after was that he glared at me and I got the point of his stare, he was putting the blame on me.

He got up and raised his voice at first he hold back and told Kiana to go to her room.

It was just the two of us in the living room when he raised his voice infront of me but suddenly closed his eyes and hold back his emotion to control his anger. I know that he love Kiana so dearly but he knows that I was in the same page. I love Kiana as well of course I'm her mother and I carried her in my womb for 9 months and I would not put harm on our child but he was taking it too far, it seem like he was the only one who care for our daughter in his point of view.

Jimin: babe why would you not check on Kiana? Who knows what happened if I didnt arrived.

Y/n: I dont know Jimin she was just okay when I left her.

Jimin: my child was almost out of breath Y/n what were you doing here inside instead of watching Kiana?

Y/n: Our child Jimin, you're talking as if I didnt care for Kiana Jimin! Of course I wouldn't intentionally put harm on our kid.

Jimin: but you did, look what happened she almost run out of breath, you know that I wont let it slide if anything happened to her.

Y/n: are you putting the blame on me Jimin? How dare you I'm Kiana's mother and of course I love her with all I am, what happened was an accident we both doesn't want it to happen.

Y/n: You're over reacting Jimin!

Jimin:  over reacting?! Huh! You called it over reacting?! Then how should I supposed to react when I saw my child struggling to breath?! Come on are you this really carefree of Kiana.

Y/n: You know what Jimin I don't want to have an argument with you.

Jimin: fuck! Don't dare turn your back on me we're not done yet.

Y/n: Then go on, scold me if you want, I won't argue anymore if you see me as an unmindful mother then go on.

Jimin: That's not what I meant! I'm just saying you shouldn't let Kiana outside all alone.

Y/n: it is Jimin its clear to me what you're implying and----

I was cut off by Kiana who showed in the middle of our discussion.

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