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I didn't find any ticket for that day. If I wanted to return London I must wait for the next day. Even with another flights with stepovers. Alright. The Geneva airport would be my home till my flight next day at 8 a.m.

It was the first time I was going to sleep in some airport chairs. One more first time on my big sack.

This first time was not pleasant. I tried to start reading to fall asleep, as it used to happen. I finished my book and my eyes were wide awake. I didn't even notice what I've just read, of course. My mind was too busy with that devilish singer. He was everything, goddamit. And yet, there I stood ready once more to walk away from him, so stubborn.

As the hours went by started different pains torturing me all over my body and I was giving in with my approachs. I almost started to justify my husband. I almost started to give myself a roasting. With this mess of contradictory thoughts, at last I driffted off to sleep.

Some shakings woke me up. It was daylight in the airport. It was dawn.

- God, my flight. Has my flight departed already?

I sat up on my chair full of pains and I bumped into Prenter's hateful face just inches from me.

- Come on, Freddie needs you -he told almost dispassionate, he looked tired and his high-pitched voice turned into huskier than usual.

- I got a flight to catch -I looked at my watch. It was half past six but they would launch the flight right away.

- You cannot. Come with me.

- I won't go with you anywhere, disgusting bloodsucker. Don't you think even touch me.

- Do you want to make a scene here and get the first headline of Mrs. Mercury in the tabloids? Freddie wouldn't like that too much but it's your choice.

- Don't bluff, Prenter. Luckily in Switzerland we don't have paparazzi hounding us.

- You talk so confident. If I would like, I could do a lot of things with the press. You don't have any idea how powerful I am.

- Don't play with fire or you'll burn yourself. Freddie values loyalty a lot.

- Just what I'm talking about. So right, let's get on with it, I'm sticking to his orders.

- What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong. Why does he need me?

- He started to feel badly in the studio. He got high fever...

- Fuck... no.

As soon as I heard fever, it came out that ugly word, AIDS. Freddie was never sick and less with fever. He had a very low temperature. They were obvious symptoms of flu, the subsequent symptoms after the virus inoculation.

I didn't even think when he could have sex with somebody else. Sometimes there were gaps in my tight control. I just thought frightened what could have happened to him, if he could have been infected.

At this very thought there was no need to argue. I left the airport and the trip back to Montreux was neverending. I spent it making rushed planifications. I would have to test myself again with the quick tests. I would have to test myself and him.

I rushed into the bedroom seeing him lying on bed. My hands flew to his forehead. He was warm but it was not a feverish warm. I flipped his body searching strange sweat, cough.

Any flu symptom. Then Freddie opened up his beautiful eyes, he had his left eye reddened. It was clear his eyes didn't look feverish. We stared at each other not uttering a word. I had climbed up his body like a frightful frog. Slowly, very slowly a smile played in his lips, bright and mischievous.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now