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Who would have thought that Don't stop me now would change into Mr. Fahrenheit just because once my subconscious played a dirty trick on me and called the wonderful Freddie's cock like that? Who would have thought that when I came along by mistake in that little room at the Rainbow I would become the band's press secretary in 1978?

Maybe it was a perception I only had but I felt things went wilder than ever. The changes happened in the blink of an eye. I knew in the past I would have fought tiredlessly for Don't stop me now would call just like that. Because the official history meant so much to me and was a personal attempt keeping things as originally were. But as the time went along, I turned into someone less radical and narrow minded about changing history. I tried not taking things to the extreme. What if it called Mr. Fahrenheit? The important thing was the song was just exactly as gorgeus as ever.

I was stepping into a new professional world for me and that's always excited me. My personality made me less prone to being a trophy wife. So fuck that part of the press who saw me as a social climber.

Now that my husband had got me to work in his company the voices redoubled

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Now that my husband had got me to work in his company the voices redoubled. In fact, I was going through the same process Freddie passed through too and still did. People on street, the fans, adored us, we were an influence for them, the shows of affection depending on the day, were constant but the press smashed us.

Each one of them had their own reasons. I was direct witness of that when I was with Tony Stewart in the infamous interview, „Is this man a prat?". The only prat who stepped into John Reid's home that day was the NME journalist.

They repeated the same pattern with me. At first and thanks mostly to the interview with Maureen Cleave, the press accepted me. Vaguely or not, they always regarded me a pretty face, who had good taste with clothes, makeup, hairdos and who made the most of my modest 5 feet 38 inches and my figure. But half of the times I appeared in press, apart from my articles, I used to be wrapped in controversy. And now to earn myself likes, started to work thanks to my connections filling an important job.

For a person like me, very aware of there is nothing without effort and nobody had given me nothing, I took it really badly their innuendos. It wasn't a good beginning for my new working horizon.

- The work doesn't scare me. But the press is talking with a total lack of common sense.

- Darling, they are your colleagues. Don't you know them?

John Reid had come to Stafford Terrace to have some tea. I had finished my contract with Evening Standard and Maureen asked me again for an interview.

- Of course I know them but I don't understand their hate since I am married with Freddie.

- Your work essentially will be dealing with them so wave the white flag and win their hearts.

- Before it was more or less manageable. They always had hinted I was a little whore with style but now they are even more offensive. They seem to try rousing myself to fury.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now