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The night proved to be too demanding for me. A lot of different things. Being Queen press secretary the last day of tour, the wife worried about her husband's welfare, harrased by someone that it seemed I only could see. Well, and seemingly Ratty.

There was no trace of her around Ally Pally, despite I tried so hard tracking every corner, as I fulfilled my task and my mind was only focused in Freddie getting out of there safe and sound.

The post show party as usual lasted well into the dawn but I found myself almost collapsing so once we got out Ally Pally, I decided returning home. Darren drove me to Stafford Terrace scorting me till the doorway, very attentive to me.

I felt so awful as since very long time ago. In fact, I don't know if I had ever felt so badly. Not even in all the traumatic situations I had been through this mission, I had felt so torn apart.

My head was heavy, my stomach rumbled with hunger and at the same time it was churning, it seemed as my body had been submmitted to a sort of torture. And it rebelled against everything. The truth is I looked like I was drunk or drugged and however, I hadn't tasted nothing at all throughout the night.

My tiredness and distress were so big adding up the stress that seemed not leaving my body, that soon I turned my bed in a jungle after turning and tossing all the time. For my own sake I had to sleep so it was time to get some pill to force me into sleep.

I went to the bathroom and made an eagerly review of all the bottles and boxes. The truth is there were not many medication in Mercury's home. Freddie didn't use to take any pill and more than the half were mine. Some headache, muscular pain, period pains pills. Nothing useful. At last I spotted a closed little box. I wasn't the biggest expert in drugs and I opened up to discover its function. Zaleplon, I read. Seemingly it was a hypnotic. It would do me good to close my fucking eyes.

I gulped down the tiny pill with some bourbon that still was in the bottle. I trusted that could boost its effects. I needed some rest...

- Black! Black! Wake up. Come on, you have to get up on your feet.

I woke up with my cheeks burning due to the violent slappings someone striked me. I half opened my eyes and my vision was so blurry and everything looked confused. I let drop my head again as a rag doll and the slappings started again. I wrestled to get rid of them.

- Goddamit, wake up now.

- Leave me alone. I just want to sleep.

- Open up your eyes. Come on.

This time around my vision was clearer and I focused in the author of those violent slappings on my face.

- Killer...

- Overdose, fucking asshole? -it was her answer blinking her big eyes over mine, truly in rage.

- What? Nooo. I've just taken a fucking pill to sleep. I could have taken two without problems.

- Was it neccesary to empty out the bourbon bottle for that?

- That bottle had only a shot. Leave me sleep...

- Woke the fuck up. Let's go to the bathroom.

She dragged me out without ceremonies there and pushed my head into the toilet.

- Throw up -it was her clear order.

- I don't feel like it.

- Get into your fucking fingers.

- Noooo.

- Do it or I'll do myself. Come on.

- Leave me alone. I just want to sleep -I put my cheek over the toilet closing my eyes.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora