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Phoebe could regard himself untouchable as long as Crazy tour lasted. I couldn't touch him, it was so fresh still my frustrated plan of sweeping him away Queen universe. The official history went on its course and the fucking asshole was where the history placed him, arranging the band's clothes. But from there to end up becoming Freddie's assistant it was a long way. When this tour is over, he would get back home and I would manage to curb his short career inside the band's entourage.

- How is your blackmail letter going?

- It's gonna take me milleniums to finish it. Cutting letter by letter and sticking with glue is such a bore.

- Darling, there's no need you write the Genesis and the Exodus together, ok? Just write, Bitch, I want my interview with your husband. It's enough.

- She will get suspicious instantly on me, don't you think?

- Who would get suspicious on the kindhearted Sally James whom all the kids adore?

- What if I take some of her photos and I bleed them. Would she freak out?

- What do you mean bleed it?

- You know, taking the picture and dive it into real blood. Blood animal, of course.

 Blood animal, of course

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- Oh, my goodness. Just paint it red and that's it. Your dark imagination makes me puke right now. Step by step. First one threat, then other, and other, and another one...

- Would you think it will work out?

- Elideth finds herself in such a delicate stage. It won't take us so long smashing her brain.

- I hate her so. Why she? What does she have which I don't have?

- That's what I think. Leave that now and get back on bed.

Sally looked at me with her huge dark glowing eyes and grabbed my hand. We pushed the half open door and saw our partner of games sleeping soundly, across the bed. Henriette Welling.

I knew it was worthwhile her telephone number. She was good, very good. So timely with that extra long tongue.

- We're gonna wake her up. Fucking lazy...

The final leg of the Crazy tour would take place in seven different clubs around London city. A great idea. The first one would be at Lyceum Ballroom. They had to pierce the ceiling to make holes and being able to built their famous lighting ring. The philosophy of those seven last shows was getting an atmosphere the most intimate as possible with that small venues.

The next day we visited The Rainbow. When I stepped again into that place I couldn't help but feeling everything passed so fast in my brain. As though a film would projecte in sequences and appear in order but wildly fast. Entering into their dressing room thrown face down over Freddie's back, my electric discharges to the roadies, cramming myself with sausages in the free lunch, my dress ruined with the paint stain. Everything till this day. That place had an emotional charge for me and just in those fragile moments in which my mission could be in danger, still more.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now