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I knew perfectly when a plan had ruined itself and you had to improvise. I had lost count how many times in my life I had these kind of troubles. Usually things went bad, the chaos used to conquer all. And even then you couldn't stop and complain bitterly about it. You had to act. Sometimes time was not your best ally and you must take decisions excessively quick. Therefore, it was likely to fail.

- Sally, where are you going so fast? You've forgotten about me so soon.

As soon as I saw her I knew something had happened and was not nice.

- And you did too. Was Mary Austin stuff your idea? I had brilliantly planned and you fucked up everything. Why?

- Because you don't care about Freddie at all, you just want to finish Elideth off.

- You wanted too if I don't remember wrong.

- I don't want to kill her. Not yet. What have you done with her?

- Do you think is everything out of control? Do you think you can manipulate me? Nina, I'm a thousand times smarter than you. And I'm doing exactly what I aimed to do from the beginning.

- Do you mean you didn't care about Freddie?

- It was my main interest till that damn creature appeared in his life. Then my attention turned to her instantly. She's someone so captivating, don't you think? She has a sort of lewd mystery like Greta Garbo but with that look Grace Kelly style. The damn Freddie has such a good taste.

- Did you fall in love with her?

- Is that love? Is that feeling of some space rocket is sitting in your crotch and climb up till your throat impulsing your body till the very sky? Is that love? I doubt it.

I was trying to come to terms with everything that I was hearing. Coming to terms I wasn't the cat but the trapped mouse. It wasn't easy. In fact I still couldn't believe it. Sally came up to me and kissed my cheek softly. Her body was warm and sweaty. Her face lit up. And that childish glance gave me chills. More than usual.

- Hey, don't get jealous. I have never fucked with a woman so nicely as with you. You are the best.

I was unable to take my eyes off her. She still had a great deal of influence on me. Like when after our first battle among sheets surrounded by Freddie merchandising, I decided I was playing hard and use her to my plans. And she used me from the very beginning.

- I guess it's just a good-bye. We got on well most of the time, right? It was magical.

I got no time to take care of her as she deserved. The first thing was Black. Always the fucking Black.

It seemed the corridor didn't end. The smell like smoke alerted me. At the very bottom of the corridor I could see it. I pushed the door with all my might. It didn't give in, shit. I was destroying my hands. At last I could use properly my strong gymnast legs and after some kickings, I broke down the door.

The fire alarm was ringing. It was a nightmarish sight. The flames were encircling practically all the room and the smoke was so thick I could barely see anything. It was like a ghostly fog that hid everything. The flames made creaking the aged wooden beams. I had enough room to step into but I didn't know how far I could get. The smoke sneaked into my eyes making me cry.

The firemen would be in a flash but I couldn't stay still. I was crying out Elideth but the smoke filled my throat and I coughed all the time. I moved into and I could get a glimpse of a still shape, near the window where the curtains were consummed by the flames. I came closer till I almost could touch her and a burning beam fell down the ceiling. It was going to hit her or at least I thought so. I threw myself to push her aside. I didn't know if I was pushing a damn dead body.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now