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- Hi, my love.

- What the hell was wrong?

Oh, oh. We're starting so badly.

- Now is when you would have to tell me, "Hi, love of my life. How are you doing?"

- What's wrong?

- Nothing wrong, I just wanted to talk to my husband. We haven't talked a week ago.

- We are doing what you wanted to do, Elideth. You, with your journalist working time and I, with my music working time. You knew they were never be the same.

- I know...

- And what are you doing calling at three a.m?

- I just wanted to hear your voice...

- You've heard it. I'm busy, you know?

- Oh, Freddie. Why do you punish me like this?

- I thought you were the official punisher in this couple.

- Shhh. Don't rise your voice so high, ok? I can hear you perfectly.

- Tell me what you want.

- Are you taking regularly the propolis?

- Yeah.

- What about the ginger, honey and lemon infusions?

- I'm taking them. What is that all about?

- Well, are you a good boy then?

- Am I a good boy if I'm taking care of my throat?

- Ah-huh, and if you reply your wife as you should be and not like an unbearable teenager, you are a good boy too.

- I use to be that teenager most of the time, get used to it.

- That's not true. Tell me how is the studio time working. Have you worked a lot?

- No, actually right now our time is paralyzed because I'm talking to you.

- Come on, I don't believe you. Tell me how it is working.

- It could work better.

- Why?

- Because you're not here.

- Fred, don't start all over again. Please.

- When will you come finally?

- I will be there on Deaky's birthday. I promise you.

- It's within two days. Do you know that's an eternity?

- My goodness, darling. You are absolutely unbearable. You are like one of those spoiled children prone to ridiculous tantrums. You know what those children need, huh?

- Enlighten me.

- If I would be there you wouldn't be spared of a good spanking.

At the moment I could hear a giggle. Freddie Mercury giggling, I had never heard something similar since we met. It was like he was pointing with his finger to get closer to him. And I got closer as I could. With my words.

- I could get those buttocks of yours so red and warm that I could use them to fry my breakfast.

- Shit...

- What?

- I'm having a hard-on.

- You kidding...

- I'm not kidding with work and sex. Now, what can I do?

I knew he wasn't kidding just with that light trembling of excitement in his vocal cords. I knew it was happening. His glorious bulge was swelling and I could imagine it quite nicely.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now