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On 25th june a new member of Queen family was born. Laura Deacon. Queen bass player had just had his third child and first little baby girl after Robert and Michael. Those occasions used to be happily celebrated around the band although this time around instead of going everybody to the hospital and turned that event into a happening, we went to visit them at home.

Laura was a redhead and rosy cheeked baby girl, very Tetzlaff and smelled like fresh baked bread. She was a little miracle and I could never got tired of holding her in my arms. I didn't recognize myself. I've always liked children but the truth is now I saw it from a different angle. My way of seeing them fitted another standards. I thought myself as a mother. It was quite confused.

- It's non-stop here -Killer said, strangely standing just the two of us-. Without respite Felix will come along and now, you too? Is it a new trend?

- What are you talking about?

- Haven't you read the tabloids since so long?

- Lately I try not to do it. What's up now?

- Aren't you pregnant?

- Who said that?

- Just three papers. Daily Star, The Sun and Daily Express.

I don't know how I got flushed. It pissed me off whenever it happened that to me in front of Killer but there's nothing I could do about it. I couldn't control my own blushings.

- God, they are right -she smiled cunningly grabbing my flushed cheeks.

- Well, I'm not -I slapped her away-. I'm finding myself happily on the rag.

- They are a bunch of liars, we agreed in that. But... they don't use to create news randomly.

- Killer, I'm not gonna talk to you about my fertile days, right? Leave me alone.

- Ooooh. Why do you take it out on me? Are you trying? You are trying unsuccessfully.

Probably Freddie would have spoken about it with some of the guys. With John, taking into account his vast experience or Roger with whom he trusted so much. After all, now he was the only one with no kids and I was sure none of the other three could believe Freddie was thinking of carrying on his line. Although I got a shiver down my spine whenever Freddie lately grabbed me whispering at my ear, "Let's make up something beautiful".

Yes, it was exactly that. Something beautiful but at the same time I couldn't help feeling myself in awe about what I've achieved inside the mission. Was I the right girl to having children about he had confessed to David Wigg among laughter in that unforgettable interview?

I got enough in my bag to this. Killer waiting for her chance like a hound dog searching my insecurities and on top of that, the british press.

- Well, everything is at home. You are the press secretary. You create the news and you can scotch it.

I avoided her closely glance. I always got the feeling she could strip away each one of my darkest thoughts with those relentless blue eyes.

- Do you want to give Freddie a child? No need to answer. Your eyes always speak first. Right now you are in Deacon's home, the kingdom of fertility. That could freak out anybody.

- I'm not freaked out.

- Well, you should be, my beauty.

- I don't get you.

- History didn't let us to deepen in that topic properly but I read somewhere about Freddie would never be able to have kids. I think it's something about his cum. Sparse and poorly sperm or a whole lot and very clumsy. Darling, don't look at me like that. I'm talking about...

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now