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I returned England quickly. I can manage time. I had done everything that I wanted to and now I could wait the icing on the cake.

I looked once more my whatsapp. It was the eighth message Black had sent me. I had no mercy with her, I enjoyed each one of my mutisms. Yes, I'm sadist by nature. This crappy world turned me into a downright sadist.

I could imagine her long bare wedding finger, Jer's priceless gift was now in my hands and I must prolong the agony. How could they welcome me back Queen if I didn't play my cards properly? That was my only goal, win again my privileged place that, that goody-goody had taken away from me. That's why whenever I read her pained wake-up calls, I tasted them as though they were belgian chocolate falling slowly along my gums.

She started restrained and controlled. "Killer, how about your ring searching?" But as long as her messages repeated to crash into the most absolute indifference, the tone was increasingly changing. The last one I received was, "Please, I beg you. Tell me something".

Elideth was a fucking good person. She didn't care a damn wearing on that valuable and unique craft jewel and didn't care a damn if the press noticed she didn't wear it and they spread again a wave of news about their impending separation. She did care about losing something with such sentimental meaning, something her mother in law wore with barely 18 years old when she engaged with Bomi.

I was aware of all that because I knew her. I knew her as the sister I never had. Playing with her heart was so easy, so rewarding. As always when I played my cards I felt that restless feeling in the pit of my stomach. The feeling of the uncertainty. Frequently I felt convinced of my success but it could be the other way round. A ridiculous one per cent. But that tiny percentage was there waiting for me. And that thing, that chance made me shivering with expectation in my bowels, dizziness, excitement. There's nothing more exciting than thinking about the future you want to create. And Elideth wouldn't be in it.

Prenter took charge of all for me when Queen returned from their successful and intense american tour. I let them spend the Christmas time at Bulsara's home with no trace of Jer's ring in her finger and I thought the water was already boiling up. Nina Barron, their heroine, was going to catch the lost jewel and asking some things in return.

I couldn't wait to meet Elideth. From her last desperate whatsapp I haven't received any more and I missed them. But if I was honest, I missed someone a little bit more, with pained desire.

- Nina Barron -he said when I opened the door. He folded his arms and showed a faint smile.

- Freddie Mercury -I watched him from head to toe as I used to-. Unfold your arms. You give me bad vibrations like this. Come in.

I had worked hard, I admit it. My home was lit only by little lamps here and there showing warm and pale lights. I wanted to put my own stamp of intimacy but always mystery. I had ordered a delicious dinner to his favourite indian restaurant, Shazans, with all the things he liked. The background music was only sitars and had scattered everywhere sandalwood sticks. Didn't it look good?

Freddie watched every detail with curious and lit up face. He was pleased and amused with all he saw. He was an expert about atmospheres, decoration, his eyes were the eyes of someone very fond to the dim lit locals, with a touch of mystery.

- Do you want my opinion?

- You know I admit critics.

- I like everything. I'd lower the sandalwood or cut it off completely.

- Oh, which smell would you choose instead?

- Just some roses, not many, over the pillow.

- My bedroom is a little bit far from here and...

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now