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That outbreak of irrational and foolish jealousy stifled by the Mr. Mercury's usual skill, couldn't be compared to the big fight between Brian and Freddie precisely due to Bicycle race. It seemed quite obvious for Freddie that the first released single would be his song. Brian hadn't that so clear. He thought a better choice Fat bottomed girls, his song, of course.

It wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last one. The egos battle was very natural inside Queen and though the arguments used to be rotunds and fearsome, if you managed they didn't stick to you their electricity, it was a show worth to see. Like the stormy sea when the waves are breaking so close to your feet and you are aware all the time how dangerous it can be but you are aware of its beauty too.

- I'm sick and tired you take for granted one of your songs is gonna be the first single!

- I'm not taking for granted anything. I just make music and it happens that what I make usually sells. Do you want to punish me for that?

- The first single from News of the World was your song and was A side.

- We are the champions was the right choice.

- We will rock you was a hit and you know it. It was the natural choice to open the shows.

It was also very typical having a row about the singles when the record was still unfinished.

- What's your problem with Bicycle race?

- I don't have any problem. I think it's fantastic but you can't compare it to Fat bottomed girls.

- But you thought it was an excellent idea the naked girls riding their bikes.

- Shhhh. Low down your fucking voice. Will you?

- We are having an argument, lovey. Besides, there's noone around in these studios who haven't heard you pounding the door with that blonde.

- We were talking about songs, not about me.

- I'm talking about you. If my ridiculous song hadn't existed, I wouldn't have the brilliant idea of making that model casting and now you wouldn't have such a great shag, honey.

- I've never said the song was ridiculous, don't put words in my mouth that never existed! If you go on talking bullshits and pissing me off, I'm fucking get out of here!

- Well, get out of here and leave us working in peace!

The truth is with the exception of Deaky, the most rational part of these four men, everyone fought like kids. But it was true the arguments between Brian and Freddie were fearsome because they knew how to put the screws on each other, in such a way that it seemed they could come to blows anytime. They often clashed and when it was the decisive and terrible time to choose a single, it was well known the drama would unleashed.

- Are you ok? -I touched softly Brian's shoulder.

I adored every Queen member, each one for different reasons. I felt essential part of their family and with Brian things worked really slow, so I valued his friendship a lot. I was very fond of him.

- I will be -he said raising his chin to the air as he took a sip of water.

He wiped out his mouth to the side of his hand and watched me closely, taking a deep breath.

- Give me your opinion. Which is the best A side?

Oh, no, Bri. Why? Of course I had an opinion as Queen fan and I had stated clearly in our forum when the discussion brought out.

God, the forum. Thinking of them, it looked like it's been centuries since I was the temperamental member of that group. A single fan with an ordinary life and ambitious but reasonable goals. Surely my goal was not what I became. Press secretary, spy, wife, time traveller, saviour of lives.

TURN BACK THE TIME, BABE. BOOK 5. GIVING IT ALL MY SOULWhere stories live. Discover now