Chapter 33

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Yoongi wrapped his arms around her and tried to calm her down, "it's okay kitten, it was just a nightmare."

She was clinging to him and crying, "did you leave, you had to have left me?"

She was so broken, "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I promise." It took him a bit to get her calmed down, "kitten, come back home with me." She didn't even answer she just nodded her head. He pulled her shirt back on her and grabbed her some shorts. Once he was dressed he picked her up and carried her to the car. She was exhausted, it has been a crazy day for everyone.

Thankfully everyone was asleep when they got home, he was sure she wouldn't be up for having to deal with everyone right now. He didn't understand why she chose him to open up to, but he was thankful she did. Yoongi got her tucked into his bed and before he could even settle in Tae was there, "how did you convince her to come back?"

"It wasn't hard, I just asked her."

Tae looked like he was about to cry, "when we saw her earlier she wouldn't even acknowledge us, she just looked so sad. She was covered in blood and when she first walked out of the building she looked so scary, then we called her name she looked up. But she didn't look scary anymore, she looked broken."

"It's because she is, she was abandoned as a child. Her biological parents abused her before they dumped her, she gets a dad that's in the mafia and she spends her entire childhood basically training to become an assassin. Then her father is murdered and she was sent here to most likely kill us."

"Then what stopped her? If what Joon said about her is true, she's deadly. Why didn't she hurt us? It's not like she didn't have plenty of opportunities to do it."

Yoongi sat down at the end of his bed, "I was conflicted." They both snapped their eyes to her, Bea was sitting up slowly. "When Cal first told me that my father was murdered I was shocked. But then he asked if I wanted revenge. Of course I did, my father saved me. Cal figured that Jk would be the easiest as he was the youngest. So I was sent back to school. Jk was a little easier than I ever could have imagined. I mean the first day he brought me home as well as snuck into my house."

"You knew he was going there?" Bea gave him a blank look.

"I'm a trained assassin Yoongi, of course I knew he was there. Then he brings me to the party and I meet all of you. I had read your files so I knew what to expect to a point, but the words on the paper were nothing like what you actually were. When Yoongi insisted I live here I was shocked. Why would he care so much?"

Tears were falling down her face and he reached over to wipe them away. Jin and Joon had shown up at some point during the story. "Then I started spending time with each of you. Jimin wasn't just some assassin like me, he was flirty and fun. He'd get so mad but I could talk him down in seconds."

"You are the only one that can, there's just something about you baby girl."

Bea looked up from her hands and smiled, the last three had shown up. "Tae is always so much fun, I can just sit in his lap and watch him type on the computer for hours. Jk goes out of his way to make sure that I don't get in trouble and that I'm okay. Then there's you Yoongi, you get so pissed at me for sleeping with them. You keep telling me that you are going to punish us but you keep a blanket and pillow in your office just in case I come in there. You downloaded Harry Potter and read it to me so I could sleep. You were supposed to be this savage ruthless killer, but you took care of me like you actually cared."

She took a deep breath and continued, "my goal was to tear you apart from the inside, sleeping with you was the easiest way. But the more of you I did things with and the more time I spent with you, my feelings, they started to grow. And I hated myself for it, you guys were the men that killed my father, and here I am smiling and laughing with you. I had failed him."

She angrily wiped her tears away, "then when you brought me to that warehouse and I saw that you were trying to find out who killed my dad, I couldn't help it. My training was kicking in and then I saw that he was trying to hurt you so I did what I had to do. I let the Princess out and then I killed him. I don't remember much of what I did, I know I killed that man and then Scott. But I can't tell you anything else that happened."

Bea was trying so hard not to sob, her lip was trembling but she needed to finish. "I don't remember anything I did or where I was until I saw Yoongi and he was sitting on my bed. He called me kitten and it was like I snapped out of it, my vision wasn't tunnel-focused anymore. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I did that to you guys. I'm sorry. I know that you can't ever forgive me, I can't forgive myself. But I'm so sorry."

She couldn't stop the sobs anymore, she just kept saying sorry over and over. She felt arms go around her, "it's okay baby girl, there's nothing to forgive."

She was crying so hard, Jimin looked frantic. She just kept repeating how sorry she is. "What do I do, what do I do? Jin help me."

Jin ran to go grab something and he was back in seconds, he ran in with a needle in his hand. "Hold her still Jimin." Then he gave her a shot, she slowly stopped apologizing, and then her eyelids fluttered closed. 

"What did you do to her?" 

Jin looked at Jimin, he looked like he wanted to murder him. "I gave her a sedative so she didn't hurt herself. She'll wake up in the morning."

"Okay," Jimin whispered before laying back in Yoongi's bed with her still in his arms. "Does her being back here mean she'll stay?"

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