36. relfecting

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The air was quiet, only sounds of the water moving in the distance could be heard

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The air was quiet, only sounds of the water moving in the distance could be heard. No one has spoken since you got to the dock, everyone waiting for Cornwall to arrive. You peaked your head over the barrel as you heard a boat arrive. It was a large boat with a few guards. Yep, definitely Cornwall.

You listened as Cornwall walked off the boat with Milton. Cornwall yelled at Milton over him not catching Dutch yet. You all stayed covered as conversations continued. Milton left as Cornwall started talking to someone else. You saw Dutch and Micah mouthing things to eachother, but you couldn't make anything out. Before you knew it, Dutch stood up, breaking his cover.

"What do you want sir?" Cornwall said, with an annoyed look on his face.

"I'm not quite sure, just yet." Dutch responded, with his hands in the air.

"Your impudence will be your undoing, sir." Cornwall said.

"I'm undone already sure. Even my two friends here think I'm crazy." Dutch said looking at you and Arthur.

You stood back as Dutch tried to bargain with Cornwall, asking for money exchange for his life. "I'll do no such thing" Cornwall responded with a laugh.

"Good I prefer it this way." Dutch said, a smirk growing on his face. Your eyes widened as Dutch pulled out his pistol and shot Cornwall in the chest.

"You've lost your mind!" Arthur yelled pulling out his gun and getting in cover, you following behind him.

"Noise Arthur, Noise!" Dutch laughed. The sound of gun fire filled the air.  Arthur and Dutch shot the guards remaining on the boat, as Pinkertons filled the town.

"Shit." You said finally taking out your gun and joining in on the shooting spree.

"Micah's gone off to find the papers. Let's find him and get the hell out of here." Dutch said, shooting anyone that got in his way.

The three of you shot your way up to a red building in the middle of town. Micah was inside, yelling about how he found something. Arthur, Dutch, and Micah yelled throughout the shootout.

"Did you put Dutch up to this Micah?" You yelled.

"I'm only following orders y/n" he responded.

You rolled your eyes, and continued shooting your way through the town. You finally came up on the edge of town. "Come on, we can take the horses from that coach." Dutch said. You helped cut all the horses free. "You boys have lost your minds." Arthur said to them.

"Let's head to the hills!" Dutch yelled mounting the horse and riding off. Micah, Arthur, and then you following. Pinkertons filled the trails, coming at you from all angles. You rode through the woods, shooting everyone that got in the way.

After what felt like hours of riding, you finally lost the Pinkertons. The four of you crossed the river and hopped off the horses.

"Everyone alright?" Dutch asked.

"Interesting social call." Arthur responded annoyed.

"Don't play dumb and superior at the same time Morgan. We all knew sooner or later Cornwall had to go." Micah spoke up

Dutch looked at the papers Micah got as the boys argued. "Looks like Mr. Cornwalls company has signed a railroad contract with the army. There also moving dynamite down from Annesburg to Saint Denis."  You stayed back, just listening to the boys argue.

"Micah, look into this dynamite. Take Bill I guess. Arthur you go too. And Micah, we need to talk." Dutch barked.

"What about me?" You asked, watching Dutch mount his horse again. "We will talk back at camp, right now we need to split up." He responded riding off.

"This is crazy." Arthur muttered under his breath. He looked up at you. "What are we going to do?" He asked.

You just shook your head. "I don't know.  I'll talked to him back at camp." You said with a sigh.

"Are you heading back now?" He asked.

"No, I think I'm going to wander around a bit, clear my head." You said mounting your horse. Arthur nodded as a response. You rode off, not a set destination in mind. You just needed to be away from the group, figure out how to deal with Dutch.

• • •

You rode for a few hours, keeping your head down everytime you pasted someone, in hopes they wouldn't recognize you. You rode off the main trail, into a little secluded patch. You hopped off the horse and sighed. You knew this place. It's the place where Dutch first kissed you. Flashback to when he bought you Anastasia, when he taught you to shoot, and when he called you out for blushing everytime you talked to him. He brought you to this place, right outside of Horseshoe Overlook, where he confirmed his feelings. You smiled slightly, thanking about how easy everything was back there. You honestly missed when Arthur was the only one to know about the two of you. You missed Sean, Kieren, Hosea, Lenny. You would do anything to turn back time and prevent it all. You wished Micah would have been left to hang in that jail. But, there was nothing you could do about the past. All you could do is think about the future. You had to figure out how to get Dutch away from Micah, that had to be the plan.

You set up a tent and built a fire, you were too exhausted to go back to camp tonight. You had to plan how you were going to convince Dutch that Micah needed to go. You laid down, reflecting on the day. So many things have happened in the past few weeks, but now all you want is safety. For you, for Dutch, for Arthur, and for John and his family.

silent love { Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader } / rdr2Where stories live. Discover now