Chapter 29

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Unedited 25/11/2021

The girls were already making plans and how they were going to spoil their first baby while the boys were telling them it was going to be a boy, so they are going to teach him how to play soccer and basketball.

"Also, how to be a man and how to treat a lady," Chris said looking at Sammy. Sammy, in return, looked at Jesreen.
"If he is going to learn from Chris, you are going to have a happy daughter-in-law.

"Oh my, I don't even have the baby as yet, how did I end up with a daughter-in-law." They laughed so much that night, no one wanted to say good night.

The day ended the way Kevin had hoped the previous Friday had ended. Jesreen was happy, the happiest he had seen her. It seems as if the world was lifted off her shoulders.

He can see it by the way she is talking and laughing. They talked about the day as Kevin drove her home, he was driving slowly as he was in no hurry to reach his destination.

They talked about how it will be for her to be dining with the Henrys every Sunday, they talked about the beauty of the meadow. They talked about the guys.

  "Everyone is some different, yet you all fit in just great," Jesreen observed.
  "I love Billy's accent, but he is so quiet."
  "Billy is from Jamaica he moved to the States about six years ago.

  "He was very quiet back then and some of the boys at school used to give him a hard time, Brian and I did not think that was cool, so we stood up for him. From then he started hanging out with us."

  "And the others?"
  "Ok Brian, Deon, Chris, and I grew up from baby, we just sort of stuck together over the years. When we started High School, Summer who is Deon's cousin would stop by from time to time to say hi."

  "Chris had the hots for her but would not tell her. Deon got tired of their behavior and one day she just blurts it out,
  "Sammy, Chris like you all it does is rule over you whenever you stop by to say hi. Yes, Chris, Summer likes you too, she is always asking questions about you. Now, will you two just get on with it? And the rest they say is history.
  "That girl Deon is something else." Jesreen laughed.

  "Jenny and Johnny's mother was an overprotective over-enthusiastic kind of mother. She and my mother are on the committee together. A few years ago, she was convinced that the twins were getting in bad company."

  "She, seeing me as a good influence, insisted that they hang out with us. Even though they are older than we are. the twins did not mind because they were not the 'heading for trouble type' she painted them to be. They just love having fun and they were having fun with us, so we remain friends."

  "Now newest member of the group is a real beauty who moved into the area two months ago and stole the hearts of everyone in the group, some more than some." He smiled at   Jesreen.

  "We decided we were going to spend as much time as possible together this summer because everyone is grown up and who will not be moving away soon, will be busy with school or work. Even though we would like to spend the rest of her life hanging out, life goes on and we have to grow up at some point. I know we will I'll keep in touch as much as possible."

  "I understand," Jesreen replied. 
  "I'm glad I came when I did, you guys made me feel so welcome and your parents are such great people."  

   "There are a lot of great people out there, sometimes so we are caught up in the cares of the world to see the great people. Sometimes we are too caught up to be with people ourselves, but most people caught up on their mistake and fix it." He Continued.

Jesreen was thinking about her father she has a feeling Kevin was as well she hoped he finds out his mistakes soon and fix them. Even though she was learning to deal with what is going on, there is nothing she would love more than to have him as a part of her life, as a part of her baby's life. His grandbaby's life. They pulled up to her gate.


I am so sorry I took so long to update.
I will be following up with one or two more chapters shortly.

Thank you for your continual support. All the reads, comments, and votes. ♥♥♥♥

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