Chapter 35

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Unedited 31/01/2022

A/N. It has been more than a month since I've updated. I have been having some internet/phone issues. I miss my readers. I hope you have been having a productive year so far. Even more, I hope the rest of the year will be a productive one. ❤❤❤❤.

Two weeks after, he got the opportunity to see her again. In those two weeks, her face and name were a constant on his mind. Both when he was asleep and awake. 

Lucky the second time he got her number.  She was a few years younger than him, but that did not stop their love for each other which developed over the next few weeks.

The night he flowered her; they use protection. Nature had other plans as a few weeks later he found out he was going to be a father.

Megan was afraid to tell him, not knowing what his reaction was going to be, but he was ecstatic. It was as if they had made plans to be parents, and were patiently sitting, waiting for the confirmation. They were going to be a family.

With his job, he was not able to be with her every day, but he spent all his free time with her. He had asked her to marry him, but she refused. Saying she was not going to get married because she was pregnant. She said when they get married, it will be because they were ready. He tried to convince her that he wants to marry her, not only because of the baby, she still refused.

He had a feeling her reason for refusing was more than that, but he was not sure what it was. It took him a few years to know what it was.

One night, a few days after their second time at the end of summer festival. she told him, she did not have any papers to be in the country. Because of his career, she did not want to put him in a position to break his oat.

She wanted to present him with her citizenship when she told him. However, her father died before her papers work was completed. She had no option but to come clean with him.

Not long after, he was Drafted. He would be going to Iran. Two days after he proposed to her. She accepted, letting him know she won't be marrying him until he came home. So, he better come home alive to marry her. 

He promised and did everything in his power to keep that promise, only to come home and find out that she had moved on.

He looked at his drink which was getting hotter by the minute; he knew in a few minutes he will not be able to drink it even if he wanted to.

He went back to the day he got the call. He'd heard the panic in Megan's voice but also the excitement. He knew even before she put it in words that you were going to be holding his baby in his arms before the day was over.

When he finally reached the hospital, she was lying in bed with a pink and white blanket cuddled in her arms; with the most beautiful smile, he'd ever seen on her face. Walking over to the bed he could not pull his eyes from hers. With a kiss, he thanked her for the most precious give gift anyone that could ever give him.

He then looked at his daughter for the first time, and that is when he knew the meaning of pure and so natural love. His eyes were filled with tears as he held his baby in his arms.

Remember all the times they spent together, the three of them. Sometimes he and Megan would get a sitter for her and go out together, but it was never for long. He remembers the two times they went to the end of your Festival together you. Remember the day he was deployed. The tears, the kisses, the hugs, and the promises.

The ones that were kept, the ones that were kept but it was too late.  The ones which were too late to be kept. He paid for his drink which was too hot and walked out of the bar leaving it untouched.

The bartender watched him leave, she hoped that was the last time she was going to be seeing him, and she was right. She looked out for the next few days to see if he would walk in, not because she wanted to see him, but just the opposite.

He spent the next two weeks sober, thinking, remembering, and wondering. Wondered how he was going to move forward. He knew he had to go after his daughter. He wanted some time to pull himself together first.

I am here again. I want everyone who patiently waited for my next chapter. Thank you.

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