Chapter 34

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Unedited 04/12/2021

Christoph, on his way to the bar not long after he was up. It was a Sunday which he did not know, he had not known the days different for more than a year, they all merged into each other.

Even when he at been locked up for 10 years, lost in the systems of the enemy's prison, he knew each day, its date, the month, and the year that he was in, he counted down the day he would be a free man.

The day he would be able to go home to his family. Now he had nothing to look forward to, so he had no reason to know which day it was.

On his way to the bar he ran into Jerry, he was not in the mood to talk to anyone, his head was too clear. He was starting to feel too much guilt and longing for his daughter and the woman he loves.

He needed to get some alcohol in his system, but he was seen before he could reach the alley to avoid Terry.

  "Christoph, is that you, it has been a long time how are you?"
  "I am good." I would be a lot better if you didn't hold up my time I have somewhere important to be Christoph could not help but think, but it did not seem as if Jerry was in any hurry to go anywhere, so
Christoph asked.

  "How are you?"
  "I'm so tired my sister decided that she wanted to take the kids in Sunnyside to their end of Summer Festival, I was not surprised when I saw your Jesreen down there. I remember how much all three of you could not stop talking about it......

Did he just say he saw Jesreen at the festival? Christoph wondered, but he could not ask him because Terry does not know he didn't know where Jesreen was. When he noticed that Terry's mouth was still moving, he decided to listen more carefully to see how much information he could get without having to ask any questions.

  "...when I pointed her out to the sister, she told me that she was hers and the kid's waitress when they get something to eat at the diner. I did not go to eat with them because I wanted to find a great place to pitch our tent across from the festival, they have a place where you can camp, seeing that the festival was now two days instead of one. They did not have as much overnight accommodation in the town."

  "I was not surprised when my sister told me that she was a great waitress, I remember when she was at work at Bucks and Son, she was one of the best waitresses they had. Anyway, we just flew in today after two days of up and down with the kids I could sleep in the middle of the road if a bed was there so I'm going to get some rest."

  "Ok I will see you around," Christoph said.
  "I was going over to say hi, but the little ones saw the candy man and were pulling me over to him by the time I get her that darn sweet, look back I did not see her again," Jerry said almost as if he's talking to himself as he walked off.

Christoph continued on his way to the bar. That means Jesreen was living in Sunnyside and not just visiting for the festival if she was working there, he thought ordering his usual when you reach the bar. He had not touched his drink long after the ice had melted.

The bartender looked at him a few times but did not say anything she always thinks he drink far too much and used to try talking him out of the hobbit in the first few weeks but after a while, she realized that he had to stop only when he was ready. She was hoping this was the beginning of the end of his drinking.

Christoph sat there thinking, remembering, something he had not allowed himself to do for more than a year. Instead of thinking about Megan's betrayal, he remembers the time they met. He had just joined the army; he and his friends were celebrating. They went to a party not, just some guys hanging out and having a good time he remembers seeing a group of young ladies, his eyes focused on one of them. She has the beauty and the curves in the right places to make a grown man drule.  he watched her more than he parties that night. He approaches her, wanting to know everything about her, but only got her name. Megan.

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