Chapter 54

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Emilia spent most of her time at home training. Well, she only had two full days at home and didn't fancy resting. She ignored the texts from Lando and from George completely disconnecting herself from her phone. After the race, she had spent some time on social media looking through comments on the race, on her, on Williams and some weren't particularly nice. Emilia had cried about it but now, it drove her to prove them wrong. It probably wasn't a healthy method to seek motivation but Emilia was not having a great time with this sport and desperately needed something to keep her going. F1 just kept knocking her down and she knew she needed to be strong to make it through the season and beyond. It probably happened to everyone then something good would happen and everything would be worth it. Until then, Emilia would have to endure it.

There was no way to avoid George on the plane to the Netherlands. Emilia debated driving but that would have fatigued her before she actually got in the car so she was stuck with him on the plane. He decided to sit next to her meaning there was definitely no way of getting out of a conversation. It's not that she didn't want to talk to George, he was great to talk to, everything was just complicated as he and Lando weren't friends anymore.

"How are you?" George asked.

"Yeah alright." Emilia replied smiling.

"Have you spoken to Lando?" George questioned.

"I've spoken to no one." Emilia responded.

"You're speaking to me." George chuckled.

"I guess." Emilia shrugged.

"What? You're not going to talk to me because I had an argument with Lando?" George scoffed.

"I'm not as petty as either of you. I'm on a plane and not particularly looking forward to this weekend no matter how much time I've spent on social media trying to motivate myself." Emilia answered quickly.

"Yeah a plane was probably not the best opportunity to talk to you." George admitted. "Hang on, why is social media motivating you?"

"Because I look at horrible posts and it motivates me to prove them wrong." Emilia replied opening a can of pringles and offering them to George.

"That's not how you're supposed to do it." George commented pulling a face.

"My engine is not supposed to break yet it did." Emilia countered. "Plus, we do our warmups differently before a race, why can't we do our mental warmups differently?"

"Can I smell pringles?" Christine popped her head above the drivers.

"No." Emilia still had them in her hand. "I'll give you four if you agree to keep quiet." Christine took the offer and sat back down. She was sat down next to Aleix and were presumably having a conversation about fitness. "Too easy." Emilia grinned. Pringles weren't exactly in Emilia's diet.

"I heard that. Double cardio tomorrow." Christine raised her voice so Emilia could hear that. It was the driver's turn to stand up and peek over the seats. "What? You expected me to let you get away with that. I was going to give you double anyway I was just gaining pringles from it."

"Bitch." Emilia huffed sitting back down.

"What was that?" Christine enquired.

"I love you Christine thanks for everything you do." Emilia shouted so her trainer could hear it.

"No problem Em, it's a pleasure working with you." Christine responded. Unlike Aurelia, Christine didn't piss Emilia off. They could have bitchy banter and it not offend either of them though sometimes it ended up with Emilia doing extra exercises or Emilia threatening to fire Christine but of course, none of it was malicious. She'd actually becomes friends with her trainer instead of it being just a job.

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