Chapter 71: Race Eighteen

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"Morning babe." A voice greeted. Emilia turned her body and smiled. She ran her hands through his black hair pushing it out the way of his face.

"Good sleep?" Emilia questioned.

"It was when we finally got to sleep." The man chuckled.

"Sex is always good with you." Emilia forced a smile and kissed the man sharing her bed.

"What time have you got to be at the track today?"

"Not until the afternoon." Emilia responded.

"So do you think it would be a good idea to finish where we left off last night?" The man climbing on top of Emilia who bit her lip uncertain.

"Listen, I think we need to talk instead of having sex for once." Emilia tried to push the man off her but he didn't budge. "Seriously, can we talk please?"

"How about later?"

"No, now." Emilia demanded trying to wriggle out of the man's grip and managing to do so with a struggle. She stood up glancing to the suitcase on the floor hoping the man didn't realise her intentions.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't think we should be together." Emilia blurted. She had to get all of her words out at once or she would just succumb to him again.

"Where's this come from? Last night was great."

"The only good part of our relationship is sex." Emilia argued.

"Is that not enough for you? I am not good enough for you?"

"See there it is again!" Emilia pointed. "You are trying to guilt trip me into staying with you. No, it won't work anymore. You've manipulated me and I won't let it happen anymore."

"Manipulate you? Ems what are you on about? That's crazy." The man shrugged stepping closer to her. Emilia matched him except she stepped in the other direction.

"No. I can't do this anymore. I think we should break up." Emilia stood up confidently. She wasn't going to let herself be intimidated.

"You're seriously crazy now."

"You're the crazy one!" Emilia exclaimed. "You used to be loving and caring and generous, now I don't even recognise you. Yet for some reason, I still believe the good man is in there but he's not. I see that now so I'm leaving."

"No, Ems you can't leave me. I'd be nothing without you."

"Stop guilt tripping me into staying." Emilia yelled. She lunged for her suitcase getting there before her boyfriend. Emilia ran through the bedroom aiding her suitcase through her door.

"Ems stay, we can make it through this argument together. We're meant to be." The man called after her.

"I don't want to be meant to be." Emilia answered trying to slip her trainers on. If she didn't take the opportunity and leave now, she may be stuck for months and she couldn't live like that anymore.

TW: abuse

Emilia ducked hearing a smash behind her. She reacted before even thinking and slowly looked to her right where the object she had dodged landed. Her heart pounded, adrenaline now running through her veins. Pieces of vase lay on the floor having hit the wall. Emilia turned her gaze to the man who stood there.

"Did you just throw that at me?" Emilia asked. He was manipulative and cruel at times but never had he used physical violence before.

"No, I just want your attention." He pleaded.

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