chapter 6

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(A/n): 4k reads and 126 votes? Wow thank you guys!

"I heard you actually got into a team."

I turn my head slightly and see my sister and brother. "Yeah. Upset they didn't kick my out? She doesn't answer me. "Ha, I knew it."I let out a chuckle and turn my head around.

"We came to congratulate you."

"That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard in my pathetic life." I say, "at least you know your life is meaningless..."

"Wanna speak up and say it to my face bro?" I turn my body around and turn to my brother who doesn't say anything.

"Anyway I don't buy it."

"Then don't. I am not gonna cry because you can't distinguish sincerity from being disingenuous. But that was always your problem." She says crossing her arms.

"Want a degree in psychology?" I tilt my head. "Or do you want me to point out your problems? Because trust me you have plenty." I shake my head and glare at her. "How nice of my 'sister' to suddenly take interest in my existence. I'm terribly sorry I couldn't tell you were being sincere." I clinched my fist. "It's too late to start to care, how about you just stick to your death glares instead?" I laugh. "Too bad they didn't kill me huh?"

She bites her lower lip, as I scoff. "Would you two leave already. Before your friends find out we're related, I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation."

She passes me, saying with a strained voice. "You'll never let me live it down."

"This was pointless."


He leaves as well leaving me alone. I shake my head as I head in the opposite direction. I should just forgive you? Just like that? Because it was unfair that I treated you the way you treated me? You're the once's that made life not worth living in the first place, dumbass.

As I said, It's too late to make up and smile and be happy siblings.

Ezreal POV

"Fuck you! I yelled in frustration and clenched the controller in my hand. "Don't hate the player hate the game."

"That's not how the line goes!"

"What's with all the yelling?" Lux and xayah enter the room same with rakan. Jinx then says, "Rzreal is being a little bitc-I mean a baby because he lost to kayn at a video game."

"You were gonna say something else weren't you?" I say and jinx turns to me. "I donno."

"Just face it ezreal I'm the master of video games you can't beat me." I turn to kayn and glare at him. "Never!"

Lux sighs loudly and hits me and kayn. "What did I do!?" Kayn yells holding his chest.

"Guys we need to talk about our schedule topics and plans for this year and etc." Lux says and we all groan.

Lux always had a habbit of wanting to do everything at the same time. "Lux it's only the second day of the school year, take it easy." Rakan says what we all were going to say.

"Come on guys! You got to be prepared for anything." We walked to the conference area and sat down at this large table.

"Lux it's okay to do things at a time don't rush everything." Xayah says rubbing her back. "But-" ashe cuts her off. "Hey can we talk about this later? And don't we have things to discuss like lux said."

"Like what tho? The new guy?" Ashe nods her head. "Yeah him." Lux gets a thinking face. "Speaking of him, what do you guys think about him?" I speak up this time. "I like him. He has sarcasm and knows how to take a joke and doesn't get offended like someone I know." I say glaring at ashe.

"I also think he's okay if I got to be honest." Kayn looks at lux, "and you can say that by only spending like 20 minutes with him?" Lux nods. "I don't get that logic but I don't like him."

I scoff, "You don't like anyone who is new, you got to give the man a chance." I look at rakan xayah jinx and ashe. "What about you four got any opinions?" Jinx shrugs. "He seems ok." I nod and look at rakan and xayah. "I haven't talked with him." I lastly look at Ashe, "me neither actually."

"Oh dang, Alright then." I say rubbing my chin. "I'm guessing you talked to him?" Ashe asked and I throw my hands in the air. "Nahhh I was speaking to his ghost! matter of fact I didn't see him at all." I bring my hands down. "Fine fuck you too then" ashe glared at me and I grin. "I would fuck me too."

"All right you two if you're going fight then do it in the bedroom." We both turn to xayah, "HELL NO!"

Lux sighs rubbing her head, "This is gonna be a long day..."

(The one's who hate me, Love me?)Where stories live. Discover now