Chapter three: Simon

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I had asked Wilhelm to come and see me that Wednesday. I did not have anything to do and it was just me and mom at home. Sara was in the stables the whole day. I was kind of nervous meeting him at home again. Last time we were in my house everything had been so different. Now everything we once had was gone. Mom asked me if I was comfortable with him coming over. I knew she adored him, really. But I guess she did not want to see me that sad or that heartbroken again. She probably thought I was a bit insane for giving him another chance this soon. But I had not fully taken him back yet. Or that was what I told myself, anyways.

"Simon, there is someone at the door for you" my mother said and I walked to open the door. I had just thought it was Wilhelm and a bodyguard, but Felice was also there. They both looked like they had been to a funeral. Wait, was it Felice who had released it? No, it could not be. Or could it? She was Sara's friend after all. And she and Wilhelm were friends as well. She would never do it to them. To me, maybe. We did not know each other that well. But I had a feeling she would never do something like that that hurt Wilhelm. And by hurting me she would indirectly have to hurt Sara.

"Hi," I said, letting them all step inside. It was freezing outside.

"Hi Simon. I hope you don't mind that I came too." Felice said, going in to hug me. I hugged her back. Felice and I were not that close that we hugged usually. But I guess she knew why they were here.

"Not at all," I replied. I met Wilhelm's brown eyes. He looked so serious. I probably did not look too happy either. He was about to tell me who had ruined our relationship, after all. We hugged too. It felt good, being in his arms. I felt safe there in some way. Like I belonged there. Felice was looking at us, she clearly thought we were cute. We probably were.

"Should we get to it then?" I asked him and he nodded against my shoulder.

"I guess we should. Can we talk in your room?" he asked. I nodded and led them into my room. Felice sat down in my chair next to my desk and Wilhelm and I sat down next to each other on my bed. The last time we were in here together we made out, with our hands all over each other.

"It was August," Felice said from my chair across the room. I stared at her. I was not too surprised actually. He had never liked me, and those feelings were mutual to say the least. But how could he betray Wilhelm like that? They were like second cousins or something. And August clearly did whatever it took to be with Wilhelm. To be his friend. Someone he trusted. It was like that with most of our classmates too. They probably would do anything to please the crown prince. I could not care less about that stupid title. If I had the choice Wilhelm would be an ordinary teenager, like myself. It would have made everything so much easier. He was so much more than the crown prince. He was kind and funny. Someone I loved spending time with.

"What?" I asked. "How did you find out?" I asked, looking at Wilhelm.

"It was Felice who did all the detective work. She found a few broken pixels in the video and they match the broken pixels in August's posts on instagram. It is obvious it is the same camera being used." He looked down at our feet. So Felice had seen the video, and probably multiple times since she had found the pixels. Great. Well, who had not seen it? But it felt weird that people had seen it, especially when it was someone close. Someone we knew. Felice looked like she had read my mind.

"I only did it to help you and Wilhelm. I promise." she said. "And so that maybe you and Sara would not transfer schools. I would miss you guys too much if you did." she continued.

"I would miss you as well, you know." Wilhelm said from his place next to me in my bed. I leaned my head onto his shoulder. I had taken Rosh's words to heart and spoken to mom about transfering. I could not let the person I now know to be August win by me leaving the school. It would have an impact on me as well. I loved the programme and I knew I would probably not have the same opportunities at Marieberg.

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