Chapter twenty eight: Wilhelm

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"I am here, mi amor" I heard someone say. I turned my head towards him. Simon. My classmate Simon. The boy I was in love with, but was too scared to love. Why was he calling me mi amor? What had I missed? And where was I? It seemed like I was in a hospital.

"Simon," I said. He embraced me, gently so that he would not hurt me. I was in casts and I felt something around my head as well. He smiled big at me. I smiled back at him. "Where are we? And what happened?" I asked.

"We are in the hospital in Amsterdam. You were in a car accident with your parents. It is okay if you don't remember. The doctor said it is common to suffer from memory loss after such a traumatic thing. Your memories will recover though," he said. He traced my face with his fingers. I felt butterflies fly inside my belly when he touched me. Did he know I was in love with him? It seemed like it. He acted as if it was ordinary for him to do so. I could not remember. He leaned in towards me. His brown eyes were beautiful, but I saw that he had been crying. Before I knew it his lips were on mine. I was surprised. I had wanted to kiss him for a long time, but had not dared to do so. I did not know if he liked me back. Apparently he did. I probably looked as surprised as I was.

"What? Can't I kiss you?" he said with a giggle. I nodded. I did not mind if he wanted to kiss me again. He was a good kisser. I had not kissed anyone else before. He took my left hand in both of his. My right side of the body was in white casts.

"Do we, umm, kiss often?" I asked him. He looked at me like if I said something funny.

"All the time. We are boyfriends, remember?" he said. I did not remember. I didn't even know why I was in Amsterdam. And why was Simon with me in Amsterdam? We should be at school.

"Are you my boyfriend?" I asked him. He nodded.

"You don't remember?" he asked. I shook my head. I did not remember.

"I remember kissing you at movie night" I said. That I actually could remember. "And then Erik died and I went home for a few weeks. And then I don't remember anything. I am sorry, Simon" I said.

"It is okay," he said. "It is probably just memory loss," he continued. He sat next to me on the chair for hours. He must really love me. I knew I was in love with him. He was so beautiful.

"Can you tell me about us?" I asked. He smiled.

"Do you want me to tell you our love story, huh?" Simon asked. He smiled again.

"When did we become a couple?" I asked.

"Well you came back to Hillerska after your brother died. You were miserable and August took you out to party. You got high and drunk" he said. Sounded like me. I was partying too much.

"And you called me in the middle of the night telling me how much you liked me and I had to come and get you from the football field. Then I took you to your room at Hillerska and slept next to you to keep an eye on you" he explained. "And then you woke up when I tried to leave. And you decided to spoon me so that I could not run away. And then we hooked up" he said.

"Scandalous," I joked. "Hooking up after the first date is not how a gentleman treats his partner" I laughed. He laughed at me.

"Well you are yourself at least. No one but my sweet boyfriend would crack a joke about that" he said. "The best part was when August filmed us and posted a video of us kissing in our underwear in your room. And I think your hand is down my underpants as well." Simon continued. August? Like in my second cousin August? He was a little shit, that guy. Why wasn't I surprised?

"I am in love with you," I said. "Even if I don't remember a shit about anything right now I know that" I continued. He smiled.

"I want to cuddle you. Come here" I said. Simon laughed.

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