Chapter twenty: Simon

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When I woke up I was alone in my bed. I wondered where Wille was. I put on some clothes, since we were not alone in here. Wille's bodyguard was somewhere and even though they all knew Wille had a relationship I did not feel comfortable to go looking for him in just my underwear.

"Babe" I called out. "Where are you?" I looked inside the bathroom, but he was not there. I continued into the living room, but still could not find him there either. When I walked into the kitchen I saw him right away. He was standing by the stove in just his blue boxers and his headphones on. It smelled like pancakes. I slowly made my way to the stove and wrapped my arms around Wilhelm's waist and slowly kissed his neck from behind. His scent smelled lovely. He took his headphones off and laid them on the counter.

"Good morning, darling," he said. "So you are finally awake, huh?" I smiled. The clock was barely 9 AM.

"You have already been up for a while I see. And you are making breakfast as well I see" I replied. There was a plate with a pile of pancakes and there was almost no batter in the bowl.

"Yes. If you are showing off your cooking skills for lunch I have to show you some of mine" he said. "And I wanted to make you breakfast, so I made pancakes." When he had turned the last pancake and piled it on top of the pancake pile he turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How romantic. I thought you had run away when you were not in bed though" I replied. He smirked and leaned in to kiss me.

"I would never run away from you, my love. I can barely go a week without seeing you, and you know that" he said. I giggled and kissed him back. He overestimated his own abilities. We could barely go two days without seeing each other. A weekend apart and I sneaked into his bedroom Monday morning to cuddle him before school.

"You can't go two days without me, even though we facetime and text. Admit it" I said. He smiled.

"I don't admit to anything you can't prove, babe. Those are the rules," he teased. He knew I was right, but I played along.

"Evidence one: I had to rescue you from your parents yesterday. And only I could help you calm down after that terrible meeting. The day before that you complained about missing me a lot and you planned to run away to Bjärstad on your own and I had to tell you to wait until today when I was supposed to visit you and it had been two days since we last saw each other." I replied. I kissed his neck as he thought out a reply.

"You almost agreed to it though. You missed me just as much" he said to his defense.

"I don't encourage you to put yourself in danger by running away to Bjärstad without your bodyguards, Wille. I missed you a lot, yes. But I told you we had to wait until today when I was supposed to come." I argued. He smirked.

"You wished I could run away from home and hide here the entire week" he said. I giggled. I had wished that. But I knew it was not possible. The risk was that someone hurt him or tried to kidnap him on his way here.

"I wished you could come, yes. But I did not wish that someone hurt you or kidnapped you on your run for freedom at the Eriksson house. Even if your parents are insensitive and rude they are gradually better than you doing some Romeo and Juliette scene that could harm you." I responded. He kissed my neck and then he looked deeply in my eyes.

"And who would want to kidnap an anxious crown prince who would complain about how much he misses his boyfriend all the time until they let him go because he is annoying?" Wilhelm laughed.

"I volunteer for the kidnapping part. And I don't mind if the crown prince complains about how much he misses his boyfriend, since he would not have to. And you are not annoying, babe," I said. I put a strand of hair behind his ear and caressed his face with my fingers.

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