Chapter nineteen: Wilhelm

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My parents and Linda sat in the living room we used when we had visitors. I had put my button up shirt back on and carried the suit jacket with me. I held Simon's hand in mine and refused to look at myself in any mirrors. I knew that everyone could see I had been crying. Everyone probably knew I had been crying. We sat down on the fancy sofa next to Linda and I cuddled up next to Simon, who had his arms protectively around me. I was still anxious, but Simon had found a way to calm me from the worst storm.

"Are you doing better now, Wilhelm?" Linda asked me. I nodded. She seemed genuinely worried about me.

"Yes. I feel a bit better now. Thank you, Linda." I replied. She gave me a kind smile.

"We will have to reschedule this meeting forward, Wilhelm. Since you are not in shape to work right now, this will have to wait until your next break from school" my mother said. How considerate of her. She did not even care to ask if I was doing any better. Linda was the one who cared about that.

"Wilhelm, your parents and I have been talking. Would you like to come and live with us for the rest of the break from school?" Linda asked me. I looked at her with big eyes. I would love to come and live with them. If I could choose I would live with them all the time. I had never felt safer anywhere else. At Simon's house I did not have to be the perfect crown prince. I just needed to be me.

"I would love to do so, Linda. Thank you" I replied and hugged her. Simon smiled. This time he did not even have to fight to take me home with him. Linda had already taken that fight, so that we did not have to.

"Under the premise that you behave yourself and are not a burden for Linda, we allow it." my mother said.

"Excuse me, your majesty, but do you realize what you are saying to your son? I have just spent an hour on the floor calming Wille down from a mental breakdown, something you failed to do yourselves." Simon said with an upset voice. "You did not even ask him if he was alright. You expect him to be fine and do the 'right things' all the time, but fail to support him. He does not need more pressure from you. He needs people who love and care about him, and to not be seen as a burden." Simon was slightly red in the face from anger. He stood up and took my hand to help me up from the sofa. My parents seemed shocked by his words.

"If you will excuse us. I will take my boyfriend to his bedroom to pack his bags and then my mother and I will take him home where I know he is safe and loved." he continued and dragged me out of the living room. He then stopped in the hallway to breathe. I hugged him and the anger faded away. I felt how he became more relaxed in my arms.

"You don't remember the way to my bedroom, do you?" I asked him with a laugh. He shook his head.

"No, I just needed you out of there. And you do have to pack your bags if you don't want to wear my clothes for the rest of the week, so it was the perfect excuse," he replied.

"I love you Simon," I said. He had just berated my parents in a way I had never dared to do.

"And I love you, Wille," he replied. "Should we get to your room so that we can pack your bags and really get out of here?" he asked. I nodded and showed him the way to my room. He helped me to pack my bags and then we went out to the car. Linda was already sitting next to Malin in the car. I put my bags in the trunk and then Simon and I climbed in the backseat of the car. The entire way home I rested my head on his shoulder and held his cold hand in my warm.


I had fallen asleep when Linda finished preparing dinner, which she had left half done at the stove to come to the palace. Simon woke me up and we went out to the kitchen table to eat. I was not too hungry, but I ate some anyway. Linda's food was always good. I held Simon's hand under the table and ate with one hand.

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