Chapter fifty five: Sara

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I had been in the stables all day, working with the horses. It was really warm outside, so I was exhausted by the time I got home. It was so empty without my little brother. He was out travelling with his boyfriend. If I would have said that to someone who did not know who my brother or his boyfriend were, they might have imagined them backpacking through Europe by train or something. That was the ordinary thing for people our age who wanted to travel. But no, they had security around all the time and were travelling by aeroplane and living in beautiful houses intended for state visits. My little brother had fallen in love with a boy who happened to be a prince of Sweden, who had been crowned king just two weeks ago. Both his older brother, who had been first in line to the crown, and his mother who had worn it had both passed away in car crashes. So by the tender age of nineteen Wilhelm had taken on his family's responsibility for the country. He was now the face outwards. The main person representing Sweden from now on, except for the prime minister. And my brother Simon had gone with him for his travels for the summer, as he was the keeper of the king's sanity. Without Simon, Wilhelm would not function. Without Wilhelm, Simon did not function. They were united into one being, with two heartbeats. I was supposed to speak to them both on a video call later. Mom was still at work, so I would be preparing dinner that night. Marcus was coming over later that night, he just had some things to fix around the house first. I got in the shower and put a summer dress and nice underwear on. I then sat down by my computer and logged onto zoom, where I would see my brother and Wille.

"Hello Sara!" I heard my brother's voice. They were in London now. They had already been to Paris and Madrid.

"Hi boys. Are you guys alright?" I asked them. They were both tanned from their time in France and Spain.

"Yeah. We met with the royal family today. We have some more meetings tomorrow, but then on Wednesday we are thinking about exploring the city some. How are you?" Wilhelm replied. I had already been told about their little rendezvous in Paris. Apparently they had been snogging each other senseless in the Eiffel Tower. With those two it would have been a bigger surprise if they had not. If I knew them right the Eiffel Tower was not the only place they had used to make out with each other in Paris. In Madrid too, obviously. I was just surprised they could control themselves enough to not sneak away from Wilhelm's important meetings to make out with each other.

"I am fine. I have been in the stables working all day. It is really warm here," I said.

"And how is Marcus?" Simon asked.

"He is fine. He is coming over later," I said.

"Oh nice. Make sure mom can sleep tonight then," Simon teased. I knew what he meant by that. Marcus and I had been a little too loud once when Simon and Wilhelm were home. Once. Like they had never made Simon's bed bang against the wall and made other noises that were not too pleasant when you tried to sleep. Or at all. I would rather not hear that.

"Oh hush, Simon. You are not that innocent yourself. You have had a boyfriend for like two and a half years, so who is the one who should let mom sleep at night, huh?" I replied. Wilhelm laughed at our little argument. "I can't imagine that anyone living in bedrooms close to yours gets much sleep now either." I teased my brother back as much as I could. Now that he was away we did not get as many opportunities to have our sibling fights as we used to. I missed it more than I wanted to admit.

"So what are you going to do tomorrow then, Sara?" Wilhelm asked, obviously wanting to switch the topic of the conversation. I let him.

"We don't have work tomorrow so I think we will go to the beach maybe," I said.

"Nice," Simon said. "Some ice cream and a day on the beach is something I would not mind actually." They had not had the opportunity for that since they had been in urban environments for weeks. Simon and I enjoyed the beach a lot. Wilhelm felt naked and anxious as people were watching him constantly. They of course did not mind looking at a well trained crown prince or now king. They had not a thought of how it felt to him. To them they were just a couple of eyes watching him. To him they were two eyes amongst thousands. Millions. If Wilhelm was to take a swim in a lake or by the sea it had to be somewhere where we could be just our friend group.

"I can imagine it is a bit warm in London too, yeah?" I asked. They both nodded.

"Who knows, we might take a bath in a fountain somewhere, so look out for that in the tabloids," Simon joked.

"If you are that desperate I can book you in for a spa or something that has a pool, baby," Wilhelm said with a laugh.


"Hi sweetheart," Marcus said and embraced me.

"Hi handsome," I replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"It smells nice. What have you cooked?" he asked me.

"Enchiladas," I replied. "Secret recipe I am afraid."

"Damn it." he said with a smile. "But luckily the chef is my girlfriend so maybe I can hope you cook it some other time?" I nodded.

"If it becomes such a hit I might do so," I said. "Mom will get home in like five minutes so I have promised that we will wait for her." He nodded and helped me set the table in the meantime.

"Have you heard from Simon and Wille today?" he asked.

"Yeah. We spoke on zoom a few hours ago. They are in London and Simon wants to swim in a fountain," I said with a giggle. Marcus laughed with me.

"Your brother is something extra. Who in the world would want to swim in a fountain in London?" Marcus said.

"Well apparently Simon," I said. "But I think Wilhelm could persuade him to at least swim in a pool instead." Marcus laughed and shook his head.

"What would the two of them do without each other?" he asked.

"They would be miserable and do a lot of stupid stuff that the other did not stop them from doing probably," I replied. "You should have seen Simon those days after their big argument at the end of our first year. It was not pretty." Mom came home and we sat down to eat. We had a nice chat and then she went to bed early. Marcus and I sat closely together on the sofa, watching a couple of episodes of Casa de papel. After a while we became less and less focused on the series. We sat closer and closer. Kissed.

"Do you want to go into your bedroom, love?" Marcus asked.I nodded and he picked me up in his strong arms and carried me to my bed. I kissed him with force.

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