Chapter eighty two: Wilhelm

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"They are adorable," Sara said and took William in her arms. Simon and I had been alone with the kids for a few days, as Felice and Eline were at the hospital for Eline's treatments. Now Sara and Marcus were visiting for the first time since we became parents. It was a shame they could not come earlier to see Eline and Felice too, but they had been on internships they could not miss out on.

"How does it feel being an aunt now then?" Simon asked his sister.

"Don't get me wrong, Simon. But it is weird that my little brother is a father," Sara said. Simon grinned. "But I am so happy for you guys. And I now have two little darlings to spoil, huh?" I smiled. When Sara said that she would spoil them, I knew that she meant it. We walked inside the living room and sat down on the sofas.

"We have some presents for my niece and nephew," Sara said.

"She has planned this since before they were born," Marcus said and grinned. He kissed her temple. "She has been so excited to give this to you."

"Babe, don't spoil!" Sara said and kissed her boyfriend on the lips. Simon and I looked at each other. Both of us were thinking the same thing, I was pretty sure. Sara and Marcus were so cute together.

"I won't spoil it. I promise, love," he replied. Marcus gave me a big frame wrapped in paper, as Simon was holding Lilian and Sara was holding William.

"Open it," Simon said to me. I opened it. It was so beautiful I felt tears in my eyes. Sara had drawn Lilian and William. There were no details in the drawing. Just lines, so it could be any newborn. Both drawings were the actual size they were when they were born. Lilian was a little bit bigger than her brother. Under the drawing it said their names, their birth dates and times and other cute information.

"Oh my god, Sara. This is beautiful," I said. Simon nodded.

"Thank you so much, sis," Simon said. "So thoughtful of you." We had received so much stuff for the kids from supporters to the monarchy. Most things were donated to children in need, as we could not possibly use everything. But things like this really meant something to us, personally.

"I thought that I would give something that you can keep," she said. "You must get so much baby clothes anyways." Marcus had two little teddy bears for them too. Twins, like them. They would fit perfectly with their other teddybears in their cots.


When Felice and Eline were at home again there was an expectation that Simon and I would go back to the office, at least a few times a week. It sucked, as we would rather be home and take care of Lilian and William. At least I had Simon there. It would have made me crazy to be in the office on my own. I was so used to having my family close to me, that it felt like I was missing a part of myself when we were apart. It broke my heart to say goodbye to Lilian and William in the mornings, even though I knew we would see them later that same afternoon. I did not want to leave them. I knew Eline and Felice felt the same way when they had to be in the hospital for Eline's treatments. We visited them as often as possible when they were in the hospital, as they did not come back home during the nights. Simon and I were in boring meetings all morning and I just wanted to go home. I wanted to go home and cuddle. When we were about to take a break I realised that I was also feeling trapped in there. The room was almost claustrophobic by the time we left.

"Babe, will you take a walk with me in the garden? I need some air," I asked Simon, who nodded. He held my hand under the table.

"I just need the toilet real quick and then we can go out, okay?" Simon replied in my ear. I nodded.

"Okay," I said. We walked out into the hallway and Simon disappeared into the bathroom. I waited for him to get out. In the meantime I watched our colleagues walk up to their offices. When Simon came back out from the bathroom I kissed him, took his hand and led him out in the garden. We walked for a bit and then we stopped by a big fountain. We stood there and talked for a while. Simon embraced me. Let his hands travel over my back. I buried my face against his chest, up towards his neck. He smelled like flowers.

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