Chapter eight: Simon

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Mom had knocked on our door to tell us that Wille had to go back to Hillerska. When I followed him to the door I saw that it was his other bodyguard who waited for him. Not Malin. I got Wilhelm his jacket and scarf from the wardrobe and he got himself ready to go out into the cold weather. I guessed the car was warm, so he would not freeze on the way back. Before he went out the door I gave him a big hug and stole a kiss from him. To remind him he was not alone. I was with him.

"See you at school tomorrow, okay?" I said. He smiled and nodded.

"I will text you when I am back at Hillerska" he replied. "See you tomorrow."

I smiled as he went out the door. When I had locked it I heard Sara behind me.

"You can't even say goodbye without it looking like a sad ending of a romance movie, can you?" she teased. We laughed. Did it really look like that to her?

"Stop teasing, Sara" I said and laughed when she hugged me.

"When you stop being so cute," she replied with a lighthearted laugh. We went into my room and she sat down by my desk. Not on my bed as she usually did. I, on the other hand, threw myself onto my bed. The sheets still smelled like Wilhelm.

"He makes you really happy," Sara said. "I can see that." She smiled. I nodded. He really did make me happier. And more anxious. We had not solved everything yet. Alexander came back like a ghost wanting revenge and he came after Wilhelm first. And it threatened my own presence at the school. The school I just went to for Sara's sake until Wilhelm came along. If it was not for Sara I would not have met him. If it was not for her I would have attended Marieberg with Rosh and Ayub. It would have saved me a lot of problems and heartbreak if I did not attend Hillerska, but I would have never met the person I now knew I did not want to live without. Living without him would be like living in a world without color. His title made our love more complicated, but he was worth it.

"He does make me insanely happy." I replied to Sara, who spined my chair around with her foot. I could tell I grinned as a fool by the look on her face.

"I have never seen you like this, Simon." she said with a laugh. "You must really be in love this time." I was. I had never felt what I felt for Wilhelm for anyone else. There had been boys I had crushes on. Boys I had dated. But they had never made me feel like this. I felt my cheeks warm up. Sara laughed even harder.

"Aww. Is my little brother blushing?" she teased. I laughed.

"I guess I am," I said.

"Well I have to go to bed now. I am meeting Felice in the stables before school. I am going to attempt to help her come over her fear of riding" Sara then said. She stood up and walked up to my door.

"Oh. Good luck with that," I said. I never knew Felice had a fear of horses.

"Good night," she said.

"Good night, Sara," I answered. I was tired after a long day at school and the news Wilhelm had told me. We really needed a plan if Alexander had figured it all out. I could not stand the thought that I would not see Wilhelm everyday if I was expelled for selling drugs to August. It could not happen.


The clock was almost 4 PM and Wilhelm and I waited for Alexander to appear. I had never seen Wilhelm this nervous before. It felt like the anxiety could swallow him whole any minute. I rubbed his chest gently and tried to distract him by talking in a calm tone. I just spoke about anything I thought would not trigger him. Nothing about the drugs. August. Erik. School. His mother. Alexander. Nothing of that. He probably thought of that all the time.

"Would you like to come over this weekend? You could sleep at mine if you want to." I said. He nodded and gave me a little smile.

"It would be nice," he replied. I grinned and gave him a kiss. "I always feel so welcome at your house Simon. It feels more like home than I ever felt anywhere else. I just want you to know that." he continued.

"I love you. You know that right?" I said. He pulled me closer and kissed me back.

"I know." Wilhelm replied. It might actually have helped. He seemed less nervous. Less anxious. Before he could say anything else Alexander appeared from one of the broken windows. Wilhelm and I separated, but we still stood close together. I felt ready to support him. To protect him if I needed to go that far. I had gone after August before and he was way more muscular than Alexander. I could probably take down Alexander without too much struggle if it would become necessary. I hoped it would not.

"So you came to see me then, your highness" Alexander said. He said Wilhelm's title with an ounce of sarcasm. Or envy. It was hard to tell. I only ever called Wilhelm by his title when we had argued and I had wanted to make it clear he was being unfair. "And I see you brought a... friend" he said.

"Hi Alexander." I said. He nodded as a reply. He then started telling us about his theories. He had come terribly close to the truth.

"And then you decided to turn your backs on me and had me expelled. All because you protected Simon from the consequences," he concluded.

"I know it looks really bad, Alexander. I did not want to hurt you and I am really sorry" Wilhelm said as a response. "I understand if you want to go to the press and out me. I would deserve it if you did. But I ask you to not do so." he continued. Wilhelm spoke like a professional. Like the next heir of the country. I could tell that his emotions were held back and that he probably held back tears right now, but I did not think Alexander noticed.

"What do you suggest we do then, Wilhelm?" Alexander replied.

"I suggest we turn the tables on August. He was never nice to you. You deserve much better than he ever treated you. Simon and I have our own motive for revenge on my second cousin and if we cooperate we could take him down for once." Wilhelm said.

"And how are we going to do that?" Alexander answered. I could see a curious grin on his face. He was as intrigued as we were at the thought of taking August down once and for all.      

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