Chapter eighty one: Simon

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I had William in my arms while I prepared baby formula in a bottle. He was hungry and tired. Overtired by now. Just like his father was. I was so tired I did not know how I functioned. It was 2 AM and I just wanted to sleep, but William had other plans it seemed like. He was screaming loudly. I hoped he would fall back asleep when he had eaten.

"The food is almost done, darling," I said and cradled him. I filled the bottle and put the lid on. Then I fed him while walking slowly around the palace, careful to not wake anyone else up. When William was full he just looked quietly at me. His brown eyes were wide awake.

"It is time to sleep now William," I said. He had no plans to do as I suggested it seemed like. I cradled him some more and sang in a low tone.

"Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder where you are," I began. I continued singing, but to no use.

"Please fall asleep, sunshine. Daddy is tired," I said. He began screaming again. I sighed. What was wrong now? I had changed him just before I made him food. To be sure I checked on him again, but he was clean.

"What is wrong darling?" I asked him. I wished he could tell me. Maybe he had a stomach ache. I felt so hopeless. He needed sleep, or he would be fussy during the day too. I continued walking around in a slow pace in hope it would settle him. It continued like that in what felt like forever.

"Simon?" I heard Wilhelm's voice from our bedroom door. I turned around to face him. He looked exhausted too. "Are you guys alright?" I shook my head.

"He won't settle, Wille. I can't soothe him," I said. Wilhelm walked up to me and embraced me gently and kissed my temple.

"No worries darling. Let me take over and you can go sleep with Lilian, okay? She is sleeping like a little princess in her cot," he said. I nodded and gave him our son. He took him in his arms and began cradling him. I kissed his lips before going back to our bedroom.

"Thank you for taking over, babe," I said before closing the door. He smiled at me.

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart," he said. "Come here my little prince. Daddy Wilhelm will take care of you now, okay?" I heard him talk to William while he went down to our living room so that William would not wake everyone up. I laid down on the bed and as soon my head was on the pillow I was sleeping. Even if I was happy, I was constantly tired nowadays. Having newborn babies was tough. When I opened my eyes the next time I saw Wilhelm sleep on his side of the bed. William was in his cot, also sleeping. So they had not fallen asleep on the sofa the night before then. I pulled myself closer to Wilhelm in the bed. I missed sleeping in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him gently, to not wake him up. I fell back asleep. It felt like I had slept for just a few minutes before I was woken up by our children once again. This time it was Lilian.

"I am coming," I said with a yawn and forced myself to get out of bed. I got Lilian out of her cot and took her back to bed with me. She was easier to soothe. She fell back asleep on my chest, and I rested my eyes. I did not dare to fall back asleep when I had her in my arms. I waited for Wilhelm to wake up again. I did not want to wake him up, as I did not know for how long he had been sleeping. I heard Felice knock on the door and I told her to come in. She took both William and Lilian with her, as they both needed to be fed. She shut the door behind her. I laid close to Wilhelm again. He woke up when I accidentally tickled him with my hair.

"Have the kids not woken up yet?" he asked me. He did not even open his eyes.

"Felice needed to feed them," I said. "So we are alone in bed for the first time in forever." Wilhelm opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"And you want to kiss or something?" he asked me with a giggle. I giggled too.

"No, why would you think that?" I teased. I wanted to kiss him, and he knew it obviously.

"I just know you," Wille replied. "You probably want to do more than kiss too." I laughed and climbed over him. He was smiling at me. I caressed his cheek with my fingers.

"Well do you want to?" I teased. He pulled me closer, until our lips were just centimetres apart.

"Kiss me, Simon," he said. The little gap between our faces disappeared as I put my lips on his. 

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