Chapter thirty seven: Simon

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My whole body ached when I woke up. I was not sure if I would be able to move, or even get out of bed that day. I had been beaten up before when I defended Sara or myself. I usually was not the one beating up others. I had beaten up August in the past, but he deserved it. After all he had done to me and Wille I did not regret it. But I did not beat him up even close to what those guys had done to me yesterday. When I opened my eyes they met Wilhelm's. He was already awake. In all of this I was scared about him. His anxiety had been really bad in the night. Nothing I said or did could ease the internal chaos he had inside. I knew he was scared that someone would hurt me again. To be honest I was a bit scared too. But showing that to him would just make him more anxious, so I had chosen to not show it.

"Hi," he said. He touched my face with his fingers, gently so that it would not hurt. I probably had some bruises. I had not yet seen myself in a mirror after the guys jumped me the night before.

"Hello," I replied.

"How are you feeling?" Wilhelm asked me. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"I have been better and worse," I said. He kissed my cheek.

"I was so scared yesterday. Thank God it did not end worse than it did," he whispered.

"I am happy about that too," I replied. And then I kissed him. I sensed he was anxious and needed some distraction. And I wanted to feel his body against mine. How his lips met mine perfectly. I felt so safe and loved in his arms. Like nothing in this cruel world could ever hurt me again. I heard the door open, but did not care to see who was entering my room. I was so occupied with kissing Wille. I heard them clear their throat. It was Sara. Wilhelm was more bothered by her seeing us, so when he realised she was there he pulled away.

"What do you want?" I asked my sister. She did not even knock on my door.

"If you want breakfast before we go to school you should get up," she said. I groaned. I had forgotten it was Friday. In my head it was Saturday and I would not have to go anywhere. Now I had to show up all bruised and hurt.

"Yes we are coming," I said. Then she left us alone. I tried to get up, but I could not move without feeling every joint in my body protesting. I decided then and there that I would not torture myself by going to school that day. I walked out in the kitchen and told mom I did not feel well. She called the school and told them I would take a sick day. Wilhelm on the other hand had an important oral exam to do, so he would not be able to stay at home with me. I helped him into some clothes and wheeled him into the kitchen for some breakfast. I was not too hungry, so I just sat and held his hand in mine. Felice and Sara were almost done.

"So what am I supposed to do without you for the day, huh?" Wilhelm asked.

"You will take that exam and be a good student and boyfriend and take notes for me, right?" I said. Felice and Sara laughed.

"Can you even read his writing?" Felice asked. I shook my head. Wilhelm was writing left handed after the accident and it was not the prettiest or clearest handwriting I had seen in my life. I usually took notes for the both of us so he could read the notes. We all laughed.

"You can borrow my notes after school if you want," Sara offered.

"Thanks, sis," I replied. Sara and Felice put the dishes into the dishwasher.

"See you tonight?" I asked Wille. He nodded.

"Yeah. I won't stay at Hillerska when you can't stay there with me silly," he replied and kissed me.

"And now we will have to interrupt the lovebirds again, because if we don't Wille will be late for his exam," Felice teased. They dramatically wheeled Wille to help him put on a jacket.

"Love you babe," I shouted after him. Before they had proceeded to get him out the door he replied. When they were gone I went to bed and slept for a few hours.  

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