Chapter twenty two: Simon

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The rest of that break from school passed by fastly. Wilhelm and I had been cuddling in my room for the most part. Sara had been in the stables most days and Rosh and Ayub came over another time to play videogames. For the weekend my mother had been home and we had spent some time with her. We played some games and watched a few movies. And I ate pasta with loads of ketchup, which Wilhelm and Sara said was a foodcrime as usual. Wilhelm seemed way more comfortable and relaxed than when we came to get him from the palace. He barely had any anxiety and when he did I helped him through it by rubbing his chest and trying to distract him. When we went back to school he was actually well rested, which I thought would not be the case if he had stayed with his parents. The first school week after the break was spent writing national tests in Swedish, English and math and every afternoon Wilhelm and I sneaked into his room to rest. That Friday we were so exhausted that we fell asleep in each other's arms. No one woke us up for dinner and the morning after I had several texts from Sara and my mother wondering where I was, since I had said I would come home for dinner. They probably assumed that Wilhelm had kidnapped me, since they had not called the cops to report me missing yet. After breakfast I gave Wilhelm a goodbye kiss and went home. I had to study and if we were together we usually distracted each other more than helped. If he needed help he would just call me on facetime. Then we could not procrastinate by cuddling in bed for hours. When I got home I got a message from Micke, my father whom I did not want to have contact with.

"I would like to meet you. We have things to talk about. I also think it is improper to not introduce me to your boyfriend. Have I become a nobody to you after you began hanging out with those important fancy royals, huh?" I read. I was filled with rage. He did not know anything about my life anymore. I had given him way too many chances to make up for being a lousy father and now he tried to give me a bad conscience by using my relationship with Wilhelm against me. I regretted that I had asked him for that favour last semester. I should have asked someone else to buy alcohol and never contacted him. Who did he think he was? Of course I would not introduce Wilhelm to my deadbeat father. Wilhelm had enough traumas to handle on his own. He did not need to be introduced to mine as well. It did not matter that Wilhelm was the future heir of the country. I would not introduce them either way.

"Leave me alone dad" I wrote back.

"I should have known you would become like those rich people when you and Sara attended that fancy school. You are not better than the rest of us just because you have your prince and your fancy school, remember that." he replied. If my phone had not been so expensive I would have thrown it into the wall in anger.

"That I don't introduce you to Wilhelm has nothing to do with his royal title. I think you know that deep down as well, dad." I wrote. I hit send and tried to release all my anger before joining Sara and mom in the living room. I was in a blue shirt I had burrowed from Wilhelm, as my own clothes had become sweaty during the night.

"I said that he was with Wilhelm. You did not need to be worried about him, mom" Sara said.

"How do you know I was with Wilhelm?" I asked. I was still a bit tired after the intense week.

"Firstly, that shirt. It is not your style and it is too big for you. And you don't have any other secret boyfriends that I know of, so it must be Wilhelm's" Sara replied and mom laughed.

"It is okay if you stay with Wilhelm, mi amor, but please send me a message so I know where you are." Mom said. I nodded.

"Sorry mom." I said. "Have any of you gotten messages from dad today?" I asked.

"No, why? Have you?" Sara asked.

"He wanted to meet me and for me to introduce him to Wilhelm. He is probably just high or drunk. I told him to leave me alone" I said.

"Thanks for telling me," Sara said. "He can meet Wilhelm in his dreams. Why would you introduce your boyfriend to him? Is he out of his mind?" She continued.

"He thought I had not done that because Wilhelm is royal and that Hillerska has changed me and us to want to be like the rich kids." I replied.

"Sounds like him. Instead of taking responsibility for his own actions he puts the blame on you and wants to be the victim in the story. Like you would introduce your boyfriend even if he was not royal to him, a drunk and high man who you don't know anymore." she said. I nodded agreeingly.

"Yeah. He is crazy." I agreed. I went into my room to study and talked to Wilhelm on facetime during the afternoon. He needed help with the maths. And I needed to vent about my overdramatic father. 

Author's note:

Hi everyone! I have been sick, and I have had lots to do in school recently. I also had some problems with how I was supposed to move the plot forward from  chapter 21. I hope you like it. 

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