Chapter forty eight: Wilhelm

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Our third year began after our long summer holidays. We had been home at Simon's mostly and I had been allowed to feel like any eighteen year old boy for once. Since my mother was gone and I still was not crowned as king I did not have to represent the country yet. My father took care of that for now, so that I could focus on my studies and to be with my friends. There had just been massive celebrations for my eighteenth birthday that I had to attend. Otherwise I had not been in the spotlight at all, which I was grateful for. I knew there would be a good amount of spotlight on me after I graduated, as I was to be crowned king of Sweden. The day before school started I had gone to Hillerska to get my things set up in my dorm. Most of my clothes were in the wardrobe, where I also had some clothes that were Simon's, as he sometimes spent the night there with me. I had some clothes at his place as well as I often spent at least the weekends there. I had two toothbrushes in the cup in the bathroom. One purple that was Simon's and one green that was mine. All my books for the semester were on my desk and I had new stationary that someone had put in a bag on the floor. I suspected it was someone from the palace that thought I could not take that responsibility myself and therefore had put it on themselves to get me my new stuff for school. When I was done setting up my stuff I went to say hello to Felice and Maddie, and some other people that also had arrived. When I had done that I went down to the stables to look for Simon, who was with Sara. There were a few new horses to take care of, as some of the interns had taken their horses with them for the new semester. I heard Simon's voice from the stables as I walked there.

"I am Sara's brother. Nice to meet you. You must be Marcus?" I heard Simon say.

"Yes, my name is Marcus." I heard an unfamiliar voice say. "So you are Simon then. Sara has told me about you." I walked into the stables. Simon was standing with his back to me and I was now facing the guy named Marcus. I saw that he recognized me as soon as I got in. Most people did recognize me.

"Your majesty, what an honour to meet you here in the stables. Do you have your horse here at Hillerska?" Marcus asked very politely. Simon turned over and watched me go up to him. I did have horses, but they were still in a stable closer to the palace. I did not ride much, so there were people taking care of them for me.

"You can call me Wilhelm or Wille," I said. Marcus smiled at me. "I only have boyfriends in the stables at the minute actually. I am already on the rowing team here at Hillerska so I have not bothered getting Max here too." Marcus grinned when he saw me put an arm around Simon's waist.

"So you are only here to give Sara company then?" Marcus asked.

"I have seen them in the stables maybe twice since we transferred so you should not expect them to be here too often," Sara laughed, while taking a horse into a box and giving it water.

"I see. Well, it was nice meeting you. I have to continue working now. Lots to do when new horses arrive you know," Marcus saíd before leaving to help a new intern get her horse inside. I saw that Sara had sparkles in her eyes. A big smile on her lips. It was clear she loved being in the stables.

"We are heading home now I think. Will you take the bus later?" Simon asked Sara. She nodded.

"Yeah. Fredrika and Stella should get here soon and I have promised them some help getting settled," she replied. We said goodbye and then Malin drove us home to Simon's house.


The first day in school had become a mess. When Simon and I went into the third year's classroom we saw no one else than our beloved August. Simon and I just ignored him, just as all our friends did. Sara did not even look his way. Felice had looked at him with purest disgust. He sat by himself in the back of the class. Simon and I sat in the front, so we did not have to see him. Even if it had been years I still had not forgiven him for what he had done. He could have ruined so much more than he had. When we had recess we went out with our friends on the schoolyard. August followed us. I saw that Malin and Per were ready to react if they needed to.

"Leave us alone, August," Felice said.

"Wait. I just want to say something to my second cousin if I may," he replied.

"Well you may not talk to my boyfriend. You have nothing to say to us," Simon said before I could react. He already knew I wanted nothing to do with that human being. That he only dared to come up to us after what he had done. Did he not feel any shame in his body?

"I do. I want to say I am sorry for what I did. And I am sorry about your mother, Wilhelm," he replied.

"Thank you, August. Will you please leave us alone now?" I asked. He nodded and headed somewhere else. He had no friends here. He was all alone. I did not know how he dared to show his face here after what he had done. Everyone in our year was well aware of the poor excuse of a human being he actually was.

"What an idiot," Maddie said. The other girls agreed.

"Excuse me if I am nosy. But what has he done?" Marcus asked.

"You don't know?" Sara asked him. He shook his head. He explained he had not been up to the news as he had been studying in the US for the past two years. He might have been the only swede that did not know we had been caught in bed together.

"He released a sex tape of us our first year," Simon said.

"Then idiot was a too kind word for him," Marcus said. "That is disgusting. Did he face any consequences?"

"He was in juvenile prison for a year. And he never finished his third year, and I guess he has sold his father's property Årnäs to be able to attend school this year," I said. "I don't know who wants to hire him after he graduates with that record."

"At least something then. I hope he learned his lesson," Marcus commented.

"Well I won't leave the blinds up when Simon is staying in my room anytime soon. I don't trust that he has changed a bit," I said.

"Sounds fair when you have people like that lurking around," Marcus said.

"And I was stupid enough to date the freak," Felice said.

"Crown prince Wilhelm, are you alright?" Malin asked me. I nodded.

"No worries, Malin. But I would be very thankful if you could tell my other body guards that he is not welcome in my presence other than when we are in class and we have to see each other," I said. She nodded. She understood me. She knew how bad he had hurt me. He had hurt me worse than anyone else had ever hurt me. Maybe even more than when my mother wanted me and Simon to stop seeing each other. We went on with our day and thankfully August left me and Simon alone the rest of the day.         

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