Chapter twelve: Simon

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Two weeks after we had read the article I sat next to my counsel and the prosecutor in court. Wilhelm sat next to me with his lawyer. I tried not to look at August, who sat across the room with his attorney. The prosecutor was going through the technical proofs first. They had to show pictures from the video to show the pixels. They had also found the original video in August's phone when they arrested him. Then they began the questioning. They were to ask August questions first and then me and Wilhelm. Then they would call in the witnesses. Felice, other friends from school and my mother would witness.

"So August if you describe it in your own words. What happened the night when this video was created?" the prosecutor asked. She was nicely dressed in a suit and had glasses on. Her hair was in a ponytail.

"I had been out with the boys, partying. I was going to sneak in through my window, but it was not open. I went to Alexander's window to have him let me in, but he was not inside. His room was next to crown prince Wilhelm's and I went there next in hope he would let me in and sleep on the spare bed. Before I could do so I saw that he already had company in his room," he said and I felt his eyes on me.

"And who was that?" the prosecutor asked. She already knew it was me.

"It was crown prince Wilhelm's boyfriend Simon," he said.

"What did they do?" she asked.

"They were being intimate. They were both just in their underwear. Wilhelm was on top of Simon and they were making out and touching each other." he said. He had a little grin on his face.

"And what did you do, August?" she asked.

"I pulled up my phone and filmed what I saw," he said.

"And what was your plan to do with the video later?" she asked. The people sitting in the back seemed disgusted by his actions.

"Why?" she asked.

"To use later on if I needed to take revenge, or if I needed to make crown prince Wilhelm or Simon do something for me," he replied.

"When and why did you later post this video?" the prosecutor asked him.

"Prince Wilhelm had told all my friends I am broke and that I could not pay tuition for this semester and I was angry with him. When we had our Lucia celebrations I posted the video in the library at school." he explained.

"You are still attending Hillerska boarding school, is this correct?" the prosecutor asked.

"Yes I am." August replied. He looked down on the table in front of him.

"How come, if you had economical struggles to pay tuition?" she asked.

"Because crown prince Wilhelm had asked his mother if they could pay for it for me," he said.

"I have no more questions for August," she said.

His own attorney asked his questions he wanted to ask and then they questioned me.

"Simon, would you mind describing your relationship with crown prince Wilhelm?" she asked.

"I first met Wilhelm in class. He became a friend of mine and we spent time together after school. I think both of us felt that there was more than just friendship between us pretty early on and we became a couple in the middle of October after a movie night at school." I explained.

"How many people knew about your relationship?" the prosecutor asked.

"We decided to keep our relationship secret. But my sister Sara knew there was something going on between us from the start. My best friends Rosh and Ayub knew as well. They could tell I was in love with him the first time they met. And then later I would learn that Wilhelm's second cousin August had figured out that we were dating." I said.

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