Chapter seventy four: Felice

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When I woke up I lay next to Eline, watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. It was like all her pain and discomfort she felt in those days were gone. She was a bit swollen from all the treatments she had to go through in the hospital. She was so extremely beautiful. Nothing in the world could make me think otherwise. She would be the most beautiful bride. I had not seen her dress, but I could imagine her sitting on Maximus with Wille behind her. I longed for it so bad. And later that day it would be reality. I wished we could loop this day, so that it would not disappear. So that Eline would never disappear from me. She was still here, but no one knew in reality for how long. The doctors had given a prognosis of three years. She deserved to live a long and happy life. She was not supposed to die young. Not to die away from me.

"Why are you crying Felice?" Eline's light voice asked me. Her pretty blue eyes were awake. Sparkly. I felt her dry a tear with her fingers.

"Because I realised what day it was when I woke up," I said. "Finally I get to marry you, my sunflower."

"So they are happy tears?" She replied. I nodded. "Are you sure?" I nodded again. She smiled at me. I smiled back. Eline did not want me to be sad. Not our friends either.

"I want to kiss you," I said. Eline giggled.

"Then kiss me, sweetheart," she replied.

"I just thought I would warn you," I said.

"Well I am warned. If you don't kiss me I will kiss you," Eline replied. Before she could kiss me first I pressed my lips to hers. Her lips were soft and sweet. She kissed me back.

"I am so in love with you, Eline," I said.

"I love you so much," Eline replied, before kissing me again. After a while I heard her belly protest, wanting breakfast.

"Are you hungry, my sunflower?" I asked. I caressed her body with my fingers.

"A bit, maybe," she said. We got dressed and walked out into the kitchen. Simon and Wilhelm were already sitting there. They held hands and laughed at each other's dumb jokes.

"What is the difference between a bird and a fly?" Wille asked Simon.

"I don't know," Simon replied. He looked at Wille with adoration.

"A bird can fly, but a fly can't bird," Wille said with a smug grin. He caressed Simon's cheek. Simon laughed.

"You silly," Simon said and kissed his husband lightly on the lips. Before they could take it any further Eline said good morning. They were after all used to being alone at Haga Palace, so who knew what they usually did in the kitchen when no one saw them?


I was in the park by Haga palace taking pictures in my wedding gown with Rousseau before the wedding. I had not seen Eline yet. I would see her later at the ceremony. Sara was with me and the photographer. She would lead Rousseau when I sat on him. I had to sit with both legs on one side to not ruin the dress. When we were done with the pictures when I was on the ground, I sat up on Rousseau and Sara handed me my bride bouquet. It was made of white and pink roses, and a sweet little white flower called the baby's breath. Sara herself was dressed in a baby blue dress and a silver diadem with small stars on it. She was so pretty.

"Is it time to begin walking down to meet Eline now?" she asked. I nodded. Wille and Simon had a beautiful home. The park that surrounded the place was pretty, even in the fall. Even if it was not like I had imagined my wedding, it was so much more dreamy. When I was little I had not even imagined that I would marry a girl. I had thought that I would marry Wilhelm. When I knew how the future became I laughed at my childhood imaginations. Wille and I were great friends and I was thankful for that. I could not see us as anything else than friends now. There was no one else than Eline for me. She was everything I had wanted, without knowing it. For most of my life I had lived like I was expected to by my family and friends. I was expected to date rich guys. Guys with higher social status. But I did not fall for any of them. When I realised I was the author of my own life, that I could decide who I wanted to be, I realised that I was not the picture perfect girl my mother had wanted me to be. I was just myself. And that person was insanely in love with the girl Simon luckily had sat next to on the first day of university. As we got closer to Haga Palace my heart started beating harder in my chest. I was so excited. Sara looked back at me and smiled.

"Look who I see over there," she said, pointing to the other side. I saw Eline dressed up in her white wedding gown, sitting in front of Wilhelm on Maximus. They were both in elegant riding helmets. Her bridal bouquet was made of beautiful white roses. She was so beautiful she took my breath away. When we entered the garden of Haga Palace people came to help us down to the ground. They helped Eline into her wheelchair and then she took my hand. Wilhelm pushed her chair as we walked up the aisle together. All our closest friends and family stood up as we entered. Everyone smiled at us. I could not believe it was real. That I would finally be married to the beautiful girl next to me. When we were in the front of the ballroom Wilhelm sat down next to Simon, who was sitting at the front. We had trusted him with the rings. And I hoped he had not forgotten them somewhere. Sara sat down with Marcus on the other side of the aisle. The priest told everyone to sit down and began talking. We said our vows and the priest declared us as married. Simon walked up to us with the rings in a little black box. He smiled big as I helped Eline put the ring on her necklace. There was now one silver and one golden ring on there. Eline put my ring on my ring finger. When it was time to kiss, Eline stood up from her wheelchair. I held her so that she would not fall.

"Are you okay?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded. Smiled bigger than I had ever seen her smile.

"Kiss her Felice! We all know you want to," my father shouted. We all laughed. It was so typical of my father to say something like that. Before I could initiate a kiss Eline pressed her lips against mine. I felt her hands caressing my back. Everyone cheered for us. And I was the happiest I had ever been.           

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