Chapter fifty one: Wilhelm

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We tried to plan our set up date as discreetly as possible. We would make Sara and Marcus go on a date that weekend. Simon would stay with me that weekend so that we could set it all up with Felice. In the meantime we tried to act as normal as we could. I had written a note to Sara and Felice had written one for Marcus. We would sneak them into their lockers that Friday, so they would have less time to figure out that they were set up. Felice said she would buy pastries and make tea and coffee for the date that Saturday. Simon and I would decorate and create the perfect romantic feeling for a first date. We would set it up in the office building that was on

top of the stables. Felice had the keys, as she just like Sara basically lived in the stables.

"You will have to read pages 37 to 57 until next class. Any questions?" Mrs. Åström said at the end of our class. I had not really focused on the lesson, but rather planned a date in my head, so I had no idea what to question. When no one else asked anything either she dismissed us. After class we had lunch. That day it was potatoes and meatballs with some sauce.

"Can I sit with you?" Marcus asked me and Simon. We still ate separately from the girls and Marcus had until now mostly hung out mostly with the girls in the stables, so he probably felt a bit like an outsider here.

"Of course you can," Simon said with a smile. He sat down, probably thankful to not eat by himself.

"Where did you attend school before?" Simon asked.

"I have lived in the US the last two years. In California. I lived at a friend of the family's horse farm and attended high school there for two years," Marcus said.

"That sounds fun. Do you have any horses yourself?" I asked, so that it would be less obvious that Simon interrogated the poor boy.

"Yes. The family has twenty horses by themselves and I have two myself. And then we rent out boxes in our stables where we live," he said. His family were loaded like most of the people at this school then. I had not expected anything else. His parents rented the stables to Hillerska after all. And that was not a small stable either. It took about thirty five horses at a time.

"How do you guys handle not both living at Hillerska then?" Marcus asked us.

"Well Wille spends the night most weekends at mine and I usually spend the night here if we have to wake up early for something or if we have had a party or something," Simon said. "There is facetime and we see each other at school everyday so it works. And it is just another school year and then we can decide for ourselves." We needed time to ourselves and time for our friends too, but currently we had not gone a maximum of three days without seeing each other for the last couple of months.

"For how long have you been dating?" Marcus asked.

"For two years in October," I said.

"Wow. That is a long time," he replied. Time had passed so fast. I could not comprehend it was already my third year at Hillerska. Soon two years ago I had lost my brother and one since I had lost my mother. A year ago I could not walk on my own and I was still in that wheelchair. How far away that felt.

"Do you like it here at Hillerska?" Simon asked. Marcus nodded. He seemed to get along well with people, especially with the girls in the stables. I could understand why he fit in so well. He was nice and easy to like. And rich. It was almost a criteria to be accepted here. That Simon was now accepted among the boys in our class had a relation to our relationship, unfortunately. They did not dare to disrespect the future prince of Sweden. Because that was what he would become one day. He would be Prince Simon of Sweden. My prince. At least no one was rude to him anymore.

Young Royals: After season 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora