Chapter ninety two: Wilhelm

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I was in my office, reading a few documents Angelina had asked me to look at. I got a notification on my phone. I quickly looked at it and was about to put down my phone again, until I saw Simon's name in the heading of the article. I wondered what they were writing about us now. I clicked in on the article. I usually did not care, but that day I was curious. I saw pictures of Simon and Rosh in a coffee shop. I read.

"Is prince Simon cheating on his husband King Wilhelm, 26, with national team football player Rosh Gerwise? Pictures of the young prince and the national team footballer hugging and kissing each other's cheek are now spreading across the internet," I read. It was all so ridiculous. Rosh and Simon had been friends since they were kids. And Simon was gay. Rosh herself was not very straight either. Rosh had dated both men and women before. And right now Rosh was in a relationship with a woman. That Simon and Rosh would be more than best friends was laughable. I kept reading and laughed more and more about what they wrote. It was just garbage, all of it. Pure lies. They claimed that I knew of their affair and was so jealous that I had made Simon sleep on the couch. That we kept together because of the children. Not once had we made the other sleep on the couch after an argument. We had arguments sometimes for sure, but never to those extremes. If one of us fell asleep on the couch, the other was also on the couch holding the other and would then be carrying the other to the bed later. I wondered how many lies they could possibly tell in just one article. If Simon had kissed another guy on the cheek, I might have been jealous. But not because he kissed Rosh on the cheek once. They were platonic friends and a kiss on the cheek was just a sign of friendship between them. Rosh kissed my cheek too when we met, and we were nothing but friends. I put my phone down and continued what I was working on. After a while Simon came inside my office. He walked up to my desk. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Have you cheated on me with Rosh Gerwise, baby?" I asked him. I was giggling. That made him laugh out loud. He walked around the desk and sat down in my lap. I wrapped my arms around him. "Huh?"

"Of course I am cheating on you with Rosh, baby," he said giggling. He had apparently also seen the ridiculous article. "Can you please forgive me for hugging and kissing my best friend on her cheek?" He was totally joking. I pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back.

"So you admit to being unfaithful to your husband?" I joked. He laughed and shook his head.

"I would rather die than cheat on you, handsome," he said. "I don't know what in the word gay they don't understand. And at this point I am more Wilhelm-sexual than gay." He took my face in his hands and kissed me. His body was cold against mine. I figured he came into my office to cuddle a bit and steal some of my body heat. That he was guilty of. I was always the warmer of the two of us and I was apparently cosier than a blanket or a warm shirt. I did not mind of course.

"Well they clearly don't understand the word gay if they think that you cheat on me with a woman. It would have made more sense if they accused you of cheating when you hang out with Ayoub. He is at least a guy," I said.

"But he is pretty straight," Simon said. "So I don't think he would like to kiss me baby." I laughed.

"Well the press don't know that," I replied. He giggled.

"So I must not only repeat what my own sexual orientation is, but also say what all my friends sexual orientation are?" Simon asked.

"Probably," I said, also giggling. "But don't ask for mine, because I don't know except that I am not straight." That made Simon laugh.

"A little Simon-sexual maybe?" he said jokingly. I nodded and kissed him.

"We can call it that, pretty," I said. 

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