Chapter sixty six: Simon

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There was a big thunderstorm that night. Wilhelm and I were laying in each other's arms in our bedroom, looking through the big glass doors. We could see the whole ocean from our bed when the curtains were out of the way. It was so windy that the branches of the trees hit against the windows around the house. There was lightning in the sky. The thunder made it impossible to sleep through. When I was little I was scared of the thunder. Now I found it more cosy, if I did not have to go out. In Wilhelm's arms I did not mind it. There were worse things than cuddling with someone you loved in the middle of the night. It didn't hurt that it was the newlywed husband that was closest at hand for thunderstorm cuddles. I shivered and hid my face against Wille's chest as a big flash of lightning struck in one of the palms nearby. The thunder made the windows in the big glass doors shake.

"Everything is alright, baby," Wilhelm said, kissing my cheek. He sensed that in my fascination there was still a bit of that little boy who slept in his mother's bed when there were thunderstorms left in me. "I am here with you." I knew he was. That he would always be. We would always be there for each other, whatever the future held. The waves that were headed against the shore were several metres high out at sea. The rain was pouring and clattering against the roof.

"I know you are here with me, mi amor," I replied and rubbed my nose against his. I took in his scent in my lungs as I kissed him. His lips tasted so good against mine. His hands felt so good against my body. Those hands handled me with so much care. So much love. Our souls were connected in a way no one else had connected with me before we met. We were magnets pulling towards each other. He made me feel safe in a way no one else could. I let my own hands travel over his sun kissed skin. My lips and tongue explored his even further. All while the storm went wild outside our dark bedroom.

"And I want you to be with me forever and always," Wille said as we were taking a few seconds to breathe, before we kept on kissing each other. We could not stop. There was a force making us want each other even closer than we already were. I climbed on top of him and proceeded to undress him.

"I promise, Wille. I will be with you forever and always," I replied and kissed his neck. I kept on kissing him down the chest. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, close to the waistband on my underwear. He was breathing heavily out of pleasure. We kept on kissing and caressing each other's bodies until we finally fell asleep, tangled into each other.


When we woke up it was a new clear day. The sea was completely still and showing no trace of the big waves the previous night. We took our time getting ready for the day. We took a shower together and then we made some breakfast in the kitchen. I took my sunglasses and put them on my shirt. Then we headed out to the beach, not even bothering putting on socks or shoes. We just stepped into some flip flops and walked down to the beautiful ocean hand in hand. We were in t-shirts and swimming trunks, in case we felt like swimming. I had made Wilhelm put on sunscreen, or rather made him let me apply it.

"There might be nice seashells that were washed up on the beach last night," Wille said. The storm had brought a lot of things up on the beach the previous night. Driftwood, old plastic and other things crafted by humans. And like Wille had predicted, a lot of seashells. Also a lot of oysters and mussels too. The parts that were just nature herself were gorgeous. The old plastic showed how human kind had dedicated itself to destroy its only home. I looked out to the horizon and saw something make a big splash that made the splashes I had made yesterday seem pathetic. It must have been a whale.

"Look, even the whales want to make us company today," I said. Wille giggled and caressed my cheek.

"Who would not want to keep you company, babe?" he said and pulled me closer, so that he could kiss my forehead. I giggled against his shirt. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. We then sat down in the sand, close to the shore. Wilhelm picked seashells and mussels in the sand and I just admired the view. My gorgeous lover sitting on the beach of paradise on earth. I picked up my phone from my pocket and took a photo of him picking with the seashells. I smiled. He was so cute. I was still tired after the sleepless night, so I laid down and closed my eyes, while feeling the waves on my feet. I put on my sunglasses too, to shut out more light. I must have dozed off, because Wilhelm had to shake life into me.

"Good morning baby," he teased and leaned down and kissed me.

"Hello, gorgeous," I replied. "Have you found your seashells now?" He had been very excited to get seashells back home with us. He nodded. There was something mischievous about his grin.

"And I have found something else too. Close your eyes and give me your hand," he said.

"I was closing my eyes before even when you did not ask me to," I said with a laugh.

"Because you were asleep, yes. Stop being a tease and do as I say," he said with a smile. I smiled back at him and then I closed my eyes. I put out my hand to him. He put something little, hard and cold in my palm.

"And open your eyes," Wilhelm said. I did and saw a little white pearl in my hand. I smiled.

"It's yours. See it as a proof of my eternal love for you," he said. I put it in my case I had brought for my sunglasses and then I wrestled him down on the beach and kissed him.

"I love you Willhelm. Eternally," I said and put my lips on his. He giggled as he wrestled me and made me lie down on my back. He lowered himself over me and kissed me slowly. Passionately. There was no doubt that we were made for each other. He was mine. I was his. There was no other way. No other explanation. I was pretty sure that by now, our love would conquer anything.     

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