Chapter twenty nine: Simon

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The doctors had decided that Wilhelm was doing so good that he could travel ten days after the accident. Mom had spoken to Wilhelm's father and they had concluded that it would be most beneficial if Wilhelm followed us home to Sweden. He would be living with us until his father was able to travel home and had the castle ready for two wheelchair users. Wilhelm would walk again when he had healed, but that would take a long time. Wilhelm's mother had passed away six days after the accident. It broke my heart seeing Wilhelm like this. His anxiety had gotten worse, which was understandable. His memories had slowly begun returning to him. They were in bits and pieces. Not in a context. The doctors had said it was a good sign and that he probably would recover even more memories at home. We were now sitting in a car on our way to the airport. Malin and my mother sat in the front seat. There would be more security when we arrived at the airport. Wilhelm was clothed in black. The royals were to mourn their losses in black clothing, so that everyone else could see how much pain they were in. He rested his head on my shoulder. I held his hand in mine. After all that had happened I was happy to bring him home. He needed some peace after everything. The press was crazy. They could not leave him alone after losing his mother. Wilhelm had lost half of his family in under a year's time. He needed to be with people who cared about him. That loved him. He did not need paparazzi that fought about who could take the closest picture of the new monarch of Sweden. He was not Crown prince anymore. He was King to be. They would hopefully let him finish high school, but then he had the weight of the country on his shoulders.

"We are at the airport now. Extra security will help us through, Wilhelm." Malin said. Wille nodded a bit. He had been quiet since we left the hospital. I sensed that he was scared and nervous about being in public. I was mostly scared about his mental health. I couldn't care less about the sea of people outside, who had come to get a glimpse of us. And to send their condolences. But I cared if they had a negative impact on him. They were after all there for him. Not for me.

"Remember, whatever happens out there, I am here with you Wille. I love you and I won't let them hurt you," I said. He leaned in to kiss me. Even though he had not remembered anything about us he still wanted to be with me. He knew that he felt safe with me. So safe that he kissed me without hesitation. Wanted me to cuddle with him.

"Thank you, Simon," he said. I got out of the car and let the security help Wilhelm into his chair. He helped as much as he could, but with only one working arm and leg it was still hard for him to move. When he was in his chair he reached for my hand. He kissed the back of my hand sweetly. There was press close by. I looked around to see if anyone was taking pictures of us.

"What are you looking for, love? Cute guys?" Wille asked. I giggled. It was the first joke he had cracked since his mother passed away.

"No, I am looking for the bad paparazzi that want to take pictures of my cute guy," I replied. He smiled.

"Someone knows that they look good today," he teased, implying that I was talking about myself.

"They would not be interested in me if it was not for my insanely beautiful boyfriend, and you know so," I replied.

"Where do you have that boyfriend?" he said. "I would like to say some things to that fellow," he joked. He felt ugly and insecure about himself after the accident. He was as beautiful as ever though. And I told him that every day. He could look however and I would still consider him the sweetest and most handsome guy in this world.

"Right here," I said and leaned down to kiss him.

"We will have to get going now boys," Malin said. When other people were around she always used Wilhelm's title. When it was just us she didn't. She really cared for him. She had arrived yesterday, on Wilhelm's request. He did not want to travel with anyone else. When she came into his room at the hospital I saw tears in her eyes. She had embraced him and given him a kiss on the forehead. She was more than a bodyguard. She was someone Wille trusted. He had asked her about me and him. Maybe to be sure that all I said was true. She had revealed that she knew that I was in his room that morning after I saved him from the football field. She had heard us through the wall and decided to let Wilhelm know that people could hear us by telling him it was breakfast. She had understood that the two of us were more than friends early on, but knew that Wilhelm probably wanted to be discreet since people were very interested in his private life. She had protected us from the beginning, even though we had not figured out that ourselves. That made sense since she was also the one who drove Wilhelm to the church in Bjärstad on Christmas eve.

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