Chapter sixty nine: Wilhelm

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I did not know how I would approach Richard. I knew his secret. My mother's secret. But he did not know I knew. I tried acting as normal as he presented a plan for renovations of different palaces. Simon was sitting next to me, drawing in his notebook as usual. I had his other hand in mine under the table.

"And we are thinking about renovating Solliden palace to be more accessible for your father. We have discussed these changes," Richard said and put out a big paper with drawings. I squeezed Simon's hand to make him aware that he was supposed to look up. He did look and then looked at me.

"That will be a good change to make since we usually spend some time on Öland in the summer," I said. Simon nodded.

"It would make it easier for Ludwig to move around the space, so it looks good to me," Simon commented. He was not really interested in renovations of palaces. To be honest it was not what I was most interested in either. As long as my brother's room was safe, I did not care as long as they did not burn it down. The meeting continued and we had to come up with solutions and ideas for furniture. When the meeting was over Simon and I went to have a lunch date. After lunch we sat in even more meetings. Thankfully not with Richard. We had a meeting with Angelina, our new spokesperson who arranged royal visits and made comments for the press when needed. We were a bit early for the meeting, so we went down by the window. I was sitting on the seat and Simon was standing between my legs. I thought of the movie night at school years ago. Where we shared our first kiss. I had panicked from holding his hand when anyone could see. Sara had seen us that night, I was pretty sure. He had been so pretty that night. I remembered how hard my heart was beating as his fingers touched mine. It felt like I was going to explode. And then he followed me into that corridor to make sure I was okay. But I suspected he had already thought about kissing me before he left the others. I remembered how I had hesitated. How Shy I had been when he pressed his lips to mine. What if he had not liked it? It was the first time I had kissed anyone. Or well, he kissed me. And I tried to tell him I was not gay or something. But one thing was for sure. I was not straight.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Simon asked me. He was smiling. He was clearly thinking about our little make out session at our school too.

"That we were in this position when you kissed me for the first time," I said, caressing his cheek. I had kissed him back, after slowly realising that I would be a fool if I did not. He was my crush and he kissed me. Only a fool would not kiss him back. I had daydreamed of it for days by then.

"And you tried to tell me you were not into guys or something," Simon said with a giggle. I laughed too. It seemed so stupid now. I was so into him, but could not let myself fall in love.

"But at least I kissed you back," I defended myself. Simon let his fingers travel over the back of my suit jacket.

"You did," he replied. "And since actions speak louder than words you proved yourself wrong. You were into me," he teased.

"I am very into you, baby. And I can prove it if you want me to do so," I flirted. The gap between our faces was now non-existent. Our noses rubbed against each other and then our lips met. His hands were caressing my back. I had one on his chest and the other arm wrapped around his waist, pressing him against me. His lips still had the same effect on me, four years later. They made me want more. Want him even closer than he already was.

"Uhm," I heard a woman's voice cough theatrically from the doorway. Angelina. We had been so preoccupied with each other we had not noticed her standing there. "I see that you have booked your own meeting here, but if you don't mind we could begin now and then you can continue that later?" she continued. Angelina was a young woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She was maybe twenty five. She was, unlike many, more playful and could joke with us. It was more fun to sit in a meeting with her than most of our colleagues at the castle. Most of them were stiff and caught in their old ways. My mother's ways. Angelina brought some new blood. Energy. My mother had been so annoyed by her.

"Sorry," Simon and I said in unison, both a little bit embarrassed. We got off each other and made sure we had not messed up our clothes while snogging. Then we sat down by the table. She put her computer and a cup of coffee down on the table.

"Let's see here then what we have to do today then, my boys," she said as she looked deep into her computer.

"You have been invited to Hillerska boarding school next Friday. I can book a hotel or make arrangements with the drivers to take you home if you like," she said. Simon and I looked at each other and smiled.

"There won't be a need for a hotel, Angelina. My mother lives in Bjärstad and she would love it if we came to stay the night so she can spoil me and her son-in-law here," Simon said.

"Oh right. Then I will just have to arrange security for you?" she replied.

"Yes. Only security. And no crazy amounts of security. I don't want to bring too much attention to us staying at Linda's house. I want to be able to visit my mother-in-law without feeling like I am imprisoned. Okay, Angelina?" I said. Angelina nodded. I had spent so much time at Simon's old house that it felt like home to me. To come home to Linda was to return back home. It was not returning home when I came here in the mornings. Home was where your family was. And parts of that family were in that castle with me. Others were studying at a university not far from here. And one part was still in Bjärstad.

"I promise Wille. It happened one time, okay?" Angelina said. She knew what I had been referencing. One time when we were out on a royal visit she had arranged for so many bodyguards to stand outside our hotel room that they created a chain. We even had bodyguards on the balcony. I would not have been surprised if some of them were on the roof too. It had drawn so much attention that everyone in the city knew exactly where we were.

"I am just teasing," I replied with a grin.         

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