Chapter fifty six: Simon

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The summer had passed faster than ever. We had a lovely time travelling, but I was now supposed to go back to school. A few weeks before I got back to school Wilhelm and I had moved into Haga palace. It was not as big as Wilhelm's childhood home, but it was still huge. Bigger than I had thought I would ever live. Wilhelm and I had furnished our new home as we wanted. We had the master bedroom where we had a huge bed. We still fell asleep on one side of the bed most nights anyways. Wilhelm had his office where he could work from home and I had my study room. There were several guest rooms, where Sara and Marcus had already been staying for a few days before they moved in in their student apartment for the semester. They would both be studying in Stockholm, so even if we did not live together anymore we would still be able to see each other whenever we wanted to.

"When do you need to be at school tomorrow baby?" Wilhelm asked me. I had already bought all my course literature for the semester, so I only needed to go to the introduction day.

"At 2 PM," I replied. "Would you like to have lunch with me before?"

"I would love to have lunch with you, beautiful," Wilhelm replied. "I have a meeting at Drottningholm tomorrow, so I might come home late though." I put the union in the pan and began peeling garlic.

"I can cook dinner tomorrow," I said. I knew how tired he was after those meetings.

"You're the best. You know that right?" Wilhelm said and kissed my temple.

"I know," I said with a grin. "But you are pretty wonderful as well, you know." We kept on cooking dinner and then sat down at our brand new kitchen table to eat.

"What would you like to do tonight?" Wilhelm asked.

"Do you have any suggestions?" I replied.

"I thought that you could choose since it is the last night when you are free from university," he said.

"We could take a walk in the park and then cuddle and watch a movie or something?" I proposed. He nodded. We finished and then got into our shoes. Malin followed us through the park, but I pretended we were alone. We walked hand in hand. It was a pretty park surrounding our new home. We had been walking there before a few times. There were other people taking an evening walk. People with dogs and strollers. Couples who walked hand in hand. Families with small children playing catch and laughing. Everyone greeted us politely as we walked by. They of course recognized us. And it was common knowledge that we now lived in the palace nearby, so it was not too much of a surprise that we would turn up there. When we got back inside I pulled Wilhelm onto the sofa and we put on Netflix to watch a movie. I fell asleep on his shoulder in the middle of it and he guided me into bed, where he undressed me and helped me get under the covers. He then got himself undressed and laid down next to me, spooning me.

"I love you. Good night," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I replied before I once again fell asleep safely in his arms.


I was nervous as I entered the university building for the first time. It was huge, in comparison to Hillerska and any other school I had attended before. It felt weird to attend the first day of school without a school uniform, like we had when we attended Hillerska. I was however wearing a button up shirt and nice trousers and shoes. My orange backpack was on my back as usual. I observed other students walking in and out through the doors. There were people walking around with big blue law books, others who had what seemed like a mini library in their bags and others like me who just had an empty backpack. New students. I was headed to auditorium 10, so I took the big entrance in building D and then walked by a little café and the library. I then walked down the stairs and saw a sea of people outside the place where I was supposed to be. It was my new classmates, I was pretty sure.

"Everyone who will be studying the first semester of French can come inside the auditorium," a woman with glasses said. Everyone went inside and so did I. I sat down in the front. The girl next to me smiled at me as I got a notebook and my pen out of my backpack.

"Hi. My name is Eline, nice to meet you," she said.

"I am Simon, nice to meet you too," I replied politely. She wore glasses and had a wine red shirt on. Her hair was light brown, down to her shoulders.

"Are you from Stockholm or have you moved here?" she asked.

"I have moved here," I replied. "And you?"

"I have moved here as well. I lived in Jönköping before," she said. "Where do you stay now then? It can be a bit tricky to get somewhere to stay."

"I am staying with my boyfriend actually," I said.

"Oh nice. Is he studying as well?" she asked.

"No he is working," I said. We could not say anything else, as the person in the front began speaking. It began with them calling out everyone's names to see who was there. Then they gave us some information about the schedule, what books we needed and some things we should think about and how we would access the internet resources. The woman in the front finished and dismissed my very huge class. There must have been like three hundred people in there. The girl Eline asked me if I would like to go for a coffee before going home for the day, which I did not say no to. I had thought about getting coffee anyway. We went up to the café and got coffee and sat down by a table.

"So what is this boyfriend of your's working with?" Eline asked. She obviously did not recognized me, which meant she had not seen my leaked sex tape. And she probably did not like the monarchy too much, because most people who did knew who I was by now.

"He is actually the king of Sweden," I said. Her eyes widened when she realised who she was sitting across.

"Well this is embarrassing. I should have realised," she said while her cheeks turned slightly red.

"No worries. If I was not with him I would not have known who the royals were dating either," I said. She smiled, when she realised she thought it was more embarrassing than I thought.

"So where did you grow up?" Eline asked.

"In a city called Bjärstad," I said. "And you were from Jönköping, right?"

"That's right. I have lived there for my whole life until now," she said.

"Where do you stay now?" I asked.

"I'm staying with one of my mother's friends," she said. "She lives in Kista." I had no idea where that was. I was too new to the capital to know all the different places.

"How will you get home later? Will you take the subway?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, I will go home with one of Wilhelm's drivers actually," I said.

"Right. And you must live at some castle or something?" she asked.

"We are staying at Haga palace, yes," I said.

"Fancy," she said with a giggle. I laughed too.

"Very. I have almost learned how to navigate between the bathroom and our bedroom by myself now." I joked. I had actually learned that by now. It was worse if we were going up a floor or two. Then I would get lost for sure. We finished our coffee and then she had to go, she said. I went outside to the parking lot and got into the car. Then I went home and began preparing for dinner. While I waited for everything to cook I began looking into my schedule. It was much less time in school than I was used to in high school, where we had school from 8.30 AM to 4 PM almost every day. Now we had much more time to study by ourselves, which was nice.  

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