Chapter thirty eight: Wilhelm

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The day at school without Simon was terrible. I just wanted to go to his house and cuddle with him. Take care of him, like he had taken care of me for the last couple of months. He still did. I did not know what I would be without him. He was the sunshine that made the very cloudy sky that was my life a little brighter. I had lost so much the past year of my life and had gained responsibilities I was not ready to face. He was the one who stood steady, holding me during the storm. And now he was the one who needed me to hold him up. He needed me to be strong for him now. His father was in bad shape in the hospital and Simon himself had a rough night as well. And I did not know if I was strong enough. I wanted to be there for him so bad, but my own anxiety swallowed me whole.

"How are you, Wilhelm?" Henry asked me. He sat next to me in maths class, since Simon was not attending school that day.

"I am fine, why?" I asked him.

"Your pencil looks like it has been eaten by a beaver, Wilhelm. It is clearly something bothering you," he replied, gesturing to my pencil, which, as he said, was in a pretty bad shape. I had bitten the end of it, maybe to cope with my anxiety. My nails were too short to bite, so the poor pencil had to suffer instead. "What's up?" I looked out of the window and then faced Henry.

"Simon was beaten up by some guys yesterday," I replied. I felt the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. I did my best to not cry. I hated to cry in front of people. All my life I had been told not to cry. I was supposed to act professional in every situation of my life as the prince. "And now I am scared that people will hurt him again. And that it will be my fault." Henry looked at me with big eyes.

"How would it be your fault that people hurt Simon?" Henry asked.

"Because they target him for being my boyfriend," I replied. Henry sighed.

"Wilhelm, you don't realise that everyone knew that Simon was gay even before you two began dating, do you?" Henry said. I shook my head. I had not known he was gay when I transferred to Hillerska, even though I obviously had discovered that later on. And I of course hoped that he would be at least into guys, since I had a crush on him before we even spoke to each other the first time. I had been terrified at the thought that he could like me back, since it would mean that I at some point would have to come out as LGBTQ though. I had just assumed that at least the people at school had found out that Simon was gay the night when the sex tape of us was released. That Ayoub and Rosh new that Simon was gay was less of a surprise to me, since they had been friends forever.

"You did not put the target on Simon. And neither did he do it himself. Homofobic people did. You might be a person known to the public, but Simon has probably faced homophobia long before you came along, Wilhelm. It is by no means okay that people hurt him, but it was never your fault. And I don't think Simon thinks it is your fault either," Henry said. I just looked at him. Simon had told me it was not my fault it happened, but I had thought it was just his way to try to protect me. His way to try to reduce my anxiety. Maybe it was not my fault.

"Anyone can tell how much love the two of you have for each other. Don't let stupid people take that joy away from you. You have gone through so much sadness, so don't deny yourself the happiness that you have left just because people are small minded," he said. Henry had never said anything positive about Simon in the past, so his words surprised me a little. I guessed it was because Simon now was indirectly part of the royal family people had warmed up to him at school.


Malin drove me back to Simon's house after school that day. Sara was in the stables, so she said she would take the bus later. I got inside the house and headed straight for Simon's room. He was laying on his bed under the duvet, looking like a little nestling.

"Are you home already?" Simon asked me in a raspy voice.

"It is 4 PM, darling. Have you been sleeping?" I giggled. He was so cute.

"A little bit I think," he said and looked at the digital clock on his computer.

"Have you eaten anything today, Simon?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"I am not hungry," he said.

"Well I am making you something then," I said. "You have to eat." He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if I would let him escape. I wheeled back inside the kitchen and found some rosehip soup in a package. I poured some in a bowl and put it in the microwave oven. I also made him a sandwich with cheese and cucumber. I put it all on a tray and carefully wheeled back inside Simon's bedroom. I wheeled up to his side of the bed and put the tray on the bedside table.

"Can you attempt to sit up for me?" I asked. He nodded reluctantly, but sat up at last. I caressed his cheek and smiled at him. He gave me a vague smile in return. He was warmer than usual. Simon was always cold, even in the middle of summer.

"You are hot, Simon," I said.

"Tell me something I don't already know," he said jokingly. I laughed.

"I think you have a fever. My poor little cutie," I said. It would also explain why Simon had not eaten anything that day.

"Wille, I am very much not hungry," he whined.

"If you don't plan on eating on your own I will spoon feed you," I threatened.

"Be my guest," he replied. I got some soup on the spoon and pointed it towards him.

"Open big," I said. Simon opened his mouth so I could feed him. After a few spoons of soup he shut his mouth.

"There is still more food, baby," I said.

"Can I have a kiss first?" he asked. I sighed and giggled.

"Are you interchanging food for kisses now?" I laughed.

"Is it working?" Simon asked, hopeful for some kissing.

I gave in and kissed him a little. And then I kept feeding him soup and then I made him eat the sandwich too.

"Look, now you have eaten all of it," I said.

"Thank you, Wille. Can I sleep now?" he asked. He yawned. I nodded. "Can you hold me, please?" I nodded again.

"Of course I can," I replied. I got myself into bed, next to him. He snuggled up next to me and I held him close. After a few minutes he dozed off. I caressed his hair. I was so happy to have him safe in my arms. My little sunshine.

Author's note:

Thanks for reading this far. I have exams coming up, which is why I have not updated this story for a while. It takes some time to plot and write. I will have more time to create more content soon when I have summer holidays & work (and hopefully no more exams to retake). 

All the best! /A    

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