Chapter 7

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Beckett pov...
I got my dad to come over tonight so the guys, Lanie, Jenny, Martha Alexis and him will all be here for when we announce our news. I wonder how they will react, I don't have much time to think it over before the doorbell rings.

Everyone arrives almost at the same time and sits down.

Lanie is the first to say anything "girl what's going on, what do you have to tell us?"

I look at Castle and he nods so i say "well first Castle in now a NYPD detective in our team his ceremony is in two days". "Well done" they all say then Martha then says "I guess that's not the only reason were all here is it".

So I say "no" and show them my finger with the ring on it and say "me and Castle are engaged" before anyone has the chance to say anything I then add "I'm also pregnant".

They all just look stunned it is kinda amazing watching their reactions. Everyone congratulates us and then Ryan, Jenny, Espo and Lanie leave saying we will talk soon so we can talk to my dad, Martha and Alexis.

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