Chapter 43

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Kate pov...

Being on leave from work meant that we haven't seen the boys or Lanie much as we have all been busy with our little ones. Castle suggested having lunch together and the kids be near each other too. Castle cooks while I put Hunter down on his playmat, he's only 6 months so he can grab his toys, roll and babble some words but is too young for much else. Johanna and Cosmo are happy playing a game next to me, they love to try and help with their baby brother when they can, cuddles and speaking to him.

Martha decided to take Alexis away on some retreat for a few days so they aren't home until tomorrow.

There is a knock on the door and I open it to see Jenny and Kevin with Sarah Grace, they come in a put Sarah down near the other children and take a seat. I almost sit down when there is another knock on the door so I go over to let them in knowing that this time it with be Lanie and Javier with Lacey. Lacey gets put down next to Sarah and Hunter with some toys and they grab and release some of them and babble to each other.

Castle brings lunch over to the table, we are having mini pies, sausage rolls and salad. We eat before feeding the children and pack away everything from lunch.

The children go back to playing on the floor while we sit on the couches to talk. Jenny says "it's so cute to see them all playing together"
Rick says "friendships stating young"
Lanie says "yeah they might even grow up to be the group of friends that are so close they are practically cousins"
We all nod and laugh. Kevin asks "any expansions to the family being thought about?"
We look around and Javier says "maybe in a few years"
We all smile, I say "not for us four children is enough"
Jenny asks "four?"
I nod and say "yeah, Alexis and those three"
Rick asks "any thoughts from you Jenny and Kev?"
Kevin nods and says "yeah but we want to wait until Sarah is a little older"
We talk about different topics such as the children, Rick's books, tv, sport and when we are going back to work. With work in a few months the team will be back as we will all start back by then. The children we even all be at the same daycare together when we are working.
It's a fun day to spend time with friends and catch up seeing as we have all been so busy. The children all starting to fall asleep so it's decided for people to head home so the children can have a good nap in their own beds. We say goodbye to everyone and get the children ready for their naps. Johanna and Cosmo still have some days they have a nap as they can get tired and grumpy without it sometimes.

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