Chapter 24

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Beckett pov...

I wake up in the morning to my alarm going off. I wake Castle up and we get ready for work. He is quiet and I ask him "what's up babe"
He says "the case got to me"
I say "Sorry I fell asleep early what happened when you went to scouts?"
He explains what happened last night when they interviewed the best friends. He says "it's so sad that she had to hide her problems from her family and keep secrets from her friends"
I nod and say "why don't we go to work and see if we can find her killer"
He nods and says "let's go"

We get into the prescient and Ryan and Espo are waiting for the victims parents to arrive so we can talk to them again. When they get here I say "Ryan, Espo you two can talk to the parents"
Ryan ask "you sure"
I nod and say "go ahead"

I go and sit at my desk with Castle while waiting for the boys.
They get back and say her sister hated her and her cousin is in jail for robbery and hated her.
I say "Good work well let's get the sister in her for interrogation then"
The nod and Espo says "her name is Rachel and is 20, she is on her way now"

After Rachel gets here Castle and I talk to her and she has an alibi but she tells us the cousin Matt got out of prison a week ago and hated Jess as she was the reason he was caught.
We put a bolo out on Matt and he is arrested and confesses to the murder all because he was sent to prison for robbery because of Jess, now he gets to go back to prison for her murder.

We finish up the paperwork for the case and are about to go home when Gates calls Castle and I into her office we walk and she asks "how far along are you Beckett?"
I say "I am almost eight months"
She says "I thought so, I am advising you to start your maternity leave now"
I nod and say "thank you sir, I will now that the case is over and I think the twins could come anytime now so I think it will be best to take the time off now"
She smiles and says "good now Castle I am guessing that you would like to take time off now"
He nods
Gates say "I am not expecting to see you working for 6 months"
Castle and I say "thank you sir"
She nods and says "you two are free to go home now and start your time off work now"
We nod and say goodbye and leave her office to head home.

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