Chapter 15

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Castle pov...
I can't believe that when I go to work today I won't be just a writer, I am actually a detective now and get to work in the same unit.

Kate and I get to work and I go and make us both decaf coffee as it won't harm the baby and I won't drink any normal coffee until Kate is allowed to.

When we get in the bullpen we notice that a desk has been added onto Kate's. I guess that I will have an actual desk now rather than just a chair. My chair is at the desk. One guy walks in a places a plague on my desk that says "Dect. Castle".

We get a call about a murder. A 30 year old female was murdered. Her name was Elena Parker she had a knife stabbed into her heart and rose petals formed a heart around the body.

It was really creepy but it let us know that it was most likely a lover. What made it hard was we found out in a matter of minutes that she was dating twin brothers Xavier and Stefan.

If we found them easily how many people was she dating.

Her jobs was a writing for a magazine company. It turned out that she got into a fight with her boss and co-worker the night before she was killed.

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