Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls Gary Stu

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Requested by: rhea-0918

Name: Aoki Benjiro

Age: 20

Occupation: College student (in the past), part-time shop assistant (in the past), secretary in Future Foundation (current)

Height: 1.80m

Weight: 71kg

Birthplace: Toyama, Honshu

Favourite food: Chazuke, monaka

Favourite drink: Strawberry soda

Likes: Basketball, wagashi, talking his way out of unpleasant situations, Harajuku, hot tea, soda, his family's shop, spending time by himself, fishing

Dislikes: Having no WiFi, slow traffic, traffic jams, being forced to be social situations, Junko, Monaca, being out of his comfort zone, dirty toilets, the state of the world

Description: Benjiro has sandy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. He wears a blank tank top and a red and white varsity jacket, jeans and black canvas shoes.

Personality: Benjiro is a jovial and very charismatic person. He's so charismatic that he convinced his middle school bullies to stop picking on him. Benjiro has Naruto levels of talk-no-jutsu. He doesn't like to be around people but he is civil and wouldn't cause unnecessary drama. Benjiro has very high levels of patience but that doesn't mean he takes disrespect from anyone, even from his seniors.

Backstory: Bejiro lived a simple and normal life as a college student. He also took up the position of shop assistant for his family's confectionery shop. Benjiro didn't get accepted into Hope's Peak Academy as he didn't wind the lottery to be the Ultimate Lucky Student. Benjiro was disappointed but he enrolled into another high school and enjoyed his time there. Afterwards, he went to college. Life was good until the events of Danganronpa took place.

Benjiro joined Future Foundation to take shelter from the chaos of the world. And hopefully restore peace.

Benjiro was sent to save relatives and important people of the participants of the Killing Game. Since Benjiro is a charismatic person and he can easily calm people and convince them to do his bidding, he was selected for the mission. However, since he knew little to no martial arts, Byakuya was sent to be his cover.

The people that Benjiro were able to save include Sayaka's idol group members, assisted in saving Aloysius Pennyworth and even Celestia's cat. Cats are naturally drawn to Benjiro and Celestia's cat is no exception.

Benjiro and his allies underestimated the level of charisma he had. On several occasions, Benjiro was able to cause chaos by talking to Monokuma robots into self destruction or attack other Monokuma robots. His charm somehow managed to overwrite the programming and install new instructions in the code. Benjiro is now a high level member of Future Foundation and has bodyguards to protect him. Benjiro has a 80% chance of making a Monokuma robot follow his instructions.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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