Avengers Gary Stu

510 9 36

Name: Selling Pineapple Brown

Age: 18

Species: Human

Height: 1.90m

Weight: 62kg

Relationship status: Taken by Hela

Fighting style: Shooting

Weapon(s): All sorts of guns

Hobby: Watching Pirates of the Caribbean movies

Favorite food: Pineapple tarts

Favorite drink: Pineapple juice

Likes: Pineapples, apples, fruits, traveling to distant lands, Greek Mythology, riding on his motorbike

Dislikes: Clowns, traitors, theft

Description: Selling has straight blond eyes and has a brown and green eye. His attire consists of a black body suit similar to Chat Noir and dark brown combat boots.

Personality: Selling is a young man with manners. In short, he is a true gentleman. He is usually seen guiding the elderly across the street and paying for other people's medical bills, regardless whether he is a stranger to those he helps.

Backstory: Selling has grown up in America and joined the Avengers. He befriended Thor and together with his brother, Loki, the three of them journeyed to Asgard to stop Hela. But unfortunately, the young naive man
fell in love with the wicked Hela. Not
wanting her to die, he came up with a plan to fake her death. When it was all over, the two them returned back to Earth. They are now dating and Selling is thinking of proposing to Hela but he is too shy.

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