Lion King Mary Sue

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Requested by: Inxer_Jynx

Name: Nkiru

Age: 3 years older Simba

Family: Parents and triplets siblings

Species: 50% African lion and 50% Bengal tiger

Favourite food: Zebra

Favourite place: Under shady trees

Likes: Sleeping, not having a care in the world, not having any obligations, fresh spring water, eating, being lazy and doing nothing

Dislikes: Hunting, humans, poachers, guns, knives, vehicles, fitting in, first impressions, loud noises (even though she likes to roar), being part of drama

Description: Lioness with tiger stripes

Personality: Lazy, low energy, innocent, pessimistic, somewhat angsty, irritated, scared of the unknown, afraid to trust others other than her family.

Backstory: Nkiru was not like the other lions. For starters, her father is an African lion while her mother is a Bengal tiger. Because of her unique heritage, Nkiru and her family are ostracized by the other lion packs. Even though her mother had already passed away, the other lion prides refuse to accept Nkiru and her family as they are seen as "aliens". Nkiru's parents tried to join Simba's pride but were kicked out and blacklisted. Rumours about Nkiru's parents spread like wildfire which resulted in damaging their reputations.

The truth is, Nkiru's parents were from
an organisation consisting of poachers where they illegally capture animals. Nkiru's parents were kept in the same cage and somehow didn't kill each other since lions and tigers are both extremely territorial. One day, when Nkiru and her siblings were around 2 years old, they escaped the organisation at night. From that day on, Nkiru and her family lived in the wild. Nkiru's mother is the only wild tiger in Africa.

Since they were no longer fed, Nkiru and her family had to hunt in order to survive. However, Nkiru's parents did not know how to hunt so Nkiru had to figure it out by herself. After mastering hunting, Nkiru taught her family how to hunt.

Through trial and error, Nkiru figured out which animals lions were supposed to hunt. She could not have done this without her instincts.

Nkiru did not forget how humans treated her during the early parts of her life and she runs away and hides whenever she hears a truck or human footsteps.

Even though, her family is small and can hardly be count as a pride, Nkiru makes up for it as one of the strongest animals in Africa and can defend her family by herself.

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