My Hero Academia Gary Stu

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Request by: Xxanimecoolgirlxx

Name: Midori Karma

Age: 14

Species: Human

Height: 1.8m

Weight: Not too fat, not too thin

Weapon: Bow and arrow

Abilities: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Conquer's Haki

Hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga, listening to Kpop songs, cosplaying

Favorite food: Salmon sashimi

Favorite drink: Orange juice

Likes: Seeing other fellow otakus, armys, reading anime character x reader fanfics, training, being a role model, memes

Dislikes: Weeaboos, Kpop haters, fans that obsess over Kpop idols too much, hypocrites, lazy people, people who lack self-control, stalkers

Description: He has messy raven coloured hair and emerald green eyes. In fact, he was given her name because of her eyes. Midori usually wears a black suit and black polished shoes.

Personality: Perfect

Backstory: His father did not want to let him attend the academy as it was too "dangerous". In order to prove himself, Midori had a duel with his father. In the end, Midori won and he was enrolled into the academy.

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