Twilight Mary Sue

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Name: Martha Get Me Out Of Twilight

Age: 19

Species: Human

Relationship status: Single

Anyone crushing on them: None

Height: 1.72m

Weight: 48kg

Favorite food: Canned soup

Favorite drink: Espresso

Hobby: Listening to opera songs

Likes: Destroying the relationship between Bella and Edward, food, her friends and family, watching tv, surfing social media

Dislikes: Almost everyone in Twilight especially Bella, Edward, Jacob, love triangles, cliche love stories, sparkly vampires, disrespect

Personality: Martha is an honest and straightforward person who is not afraid to share her thoughts and opinions. She has shown great dislike to the relationship between Bella and Edward. She is also seen as a blunt and rational person as she asked Edward why did he enrol himself into high school multiple times and fell in love with the Bella. Till this day, she has not gotten an answer.

Description: Martha usually wears a black leather jacket over a plain white shirt, short shorts and biker boots. Her eye colour is brown and she has brown hair styled in a bob.

Backstory: The author of this book wanted to make a Mary Sue. That was how Martha was born.

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