Harry Potter Gary Stu

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Requested by: @piratelovingdemigod

Name: Tate Friendly

Age: Same as Harry for all the books

Height: 1.68m

Weight: 50kg

House: Ravenclaw

Hobby: Performing coin tricks

Likes: Food from fast food joints, homemade food, Slytherins, playing harmful pranks on teachers

Dislikes: Too much homework, bland food such as porridge, reading newspapers, noises the newspaper makes, the Weasley family, coffee

Favorite food: Grilled squid

Favorite drink: Fruit punch

Personality: Tate doesn't have a distinctive personality. He is neither nice nor mean.

Description: He looks like Ron's long lost twin brother except he has magenta eyes and brown hair. Tate usually wears the standard Hogwarts uniform and that is all he wears. He is in desperate need for someone to transform his waldrobe. Like seriously. All this dude wears is undergarments and a school uniform.

Backstory: Because of his weird eyes and his similarity to Ron, Tate had always been nicknamed, Copycat. But surprisingly, he is neither pissed nor happy at those bullies. Tate is also cunning as he bribed his way to get a Hogwarts letter.

Author's Note
Hey everyone, sorry about the late update. Life's been crazy for the past few months. Sorry about that. I know that there are those who have sent me requests and I am sorry for not doing them sooner. Don't worry, you're request would be up. On a side note, I'll start replying comments again and I've changed the title and the cover of this book. I just felt that the book title was too generic and I felt that there was no harm changing.

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